I found the most success just moving past the enemies. Looks like everything is avoidable, though I should say some of the later sections demand incredibly narrow input timing with a harsh punish (that blasted error room) for even the slightest failure. I got as far as the transition to the second area of what appears to be the last implemented floor before giving up.How TF am I supposed to bloody win in combat?! It's RNG all the way! An attack of 90% ACC missing more often than one of 60%? What is this, Pokémon or something?
Taking only 2 hp damage for a fireball is somehow even more frustrating when it still sends you into the error room anyways.
It's unfortunate but I am not sure there is a gallery as of current implementation. In terms of scenes, the easiest to access is to deliberately lose to the first purple enemy you see with the sword equipped. In a baffling choice, the "easiest" path to progress is nonviolence but this removes all "weapons" you have which locks you out of the H scene entirely as combat is disabled and transitions immediately into a generic loss dialogue depending on whether you lost to a violent or lewd enemy.cute artstyle, unplayable difficulty in some floors. everything is designed to one-hit kill you to the point where if your hp doesnt go down to 0 the game sends you to the error room. Only recommending this if someone uploads a gllery or something, or a walk through walls hack
There's presumably one more scene at the very end, but the path to get there is incredibly painful.