Ren'Py - Completed - Girl House [v1.5.21 Extra] [Astaros3D]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Played through 0.6.05e

    Graphics are decent
    Story is Ok, there is much more life left in it that hasn't been explored yet.

    The hitboxes for some of the interactions are really dodgy
    There are no facilities for hints if the objectives for a given scene are not obvious enough. The dev relies on obscurely placed objects in various scenes to further plot lines in 'quests'.

    Not much sex in the sex game. The method of making money in the game through casino results in a random inexplicable ban from the casino for cheating.

    Glitches prevented one of quest items from being upgraded because the playthrough requires it to be upgraded twice, the final time is glitced making the objective for a sex scene (and furthering the quests) unobtainable.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + We have good looking/hot girls/women.
    + We have good looking animations. (Their physics can be better)

    Bad Points
    - Playing as a this game MC is not enjoyable. He is pushover who nearly all girls act like BOSS to him, tell him what to do and we are just doing things girls want from us for only getting some tease and sex scenes... Wow amazing MC to play...
    - We dont have enough content for story. We just know prologue information about story after 2 year and after that point we got nothing. DEV didn't tell us anyting about main story. After prolugue we just got some naught scenes and thats all.
    - Story is not well written or interesting.
    - This is Sandbox game and it doesn't have walkthrough... For doing things and learning right answers you gotta try options or ask help to threat and wait... Yeah... Cool...

    For The End
    This could be realy good game but DEV didn't done good job with development of this game... Sadly its nothing more than quick fap game with poor story and characters.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like this game - because the characters pretty are hot. But holy crap - you just wander around the house clicking on everything, trying to advance the story. Seriously, does the Dev play his own game? I had to watch YouTube Walkthroughs to have any idea what to do next. The Dev could have made things so much easier for everyone if he included Hints. Some things........ you know what - I'm not even going to try to explain anymore.
    There are tons of great games and vn on this forum, this is not one of them.
    Don't waste your time.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome grafics, interesting story, lovin it. Keep up the developement. Looking foreward to further updates. Debugging has improved over the last few months. Dont really understand all the negative comments.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Firstly sorry for my bad English.
    I really liked this game and enjoyed playing it. The animations and characters of this game are excellent. It also has a pretty nice story. I can't wait for the new version of the game. I also loved the game My Cute Roommate by the same producer. This game is like an advanced version of My Cute Roommate.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with a great story, bit difficult to advance in the story but eventually you get the solution. Hope we do not have to wait long for the next update. Best of all, all the women in the game look great and have their own character.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Really nice renders and animation, but the game itself is TERRIBLE. The things you're meant to do are so obscure it's impossible to do anything without a walkthrough, and even the official walkthrough is super confusing to read and understand (the order in which you're meant to do things and the order they're written out in the walkthrough are totally different). This is a perfect example of a talented artist diving into making a game without any knowledge of game design/development. I hope the developer picks up some experience and makes something a little more playable.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I update my review based in version 1.0.

    My previous rating based on .065 was 1 star, so I felt that at this point I had to update it.

    My actual rating is based on:

    Renders 5/5
    Content Available 2/5
    UI/UX 1/5 (this would be a zero if posible)
    Story 2/5

    At this point the game has SOME content with the main girls which is not great but in the case of Lola I like the content available. It's not a lot but it's good.

    Mia has some content also but in my opinion she's too bitchy and at this point of the game you are not able to 'change her mind', the sex scenes available aren't good IMO.

    Content with other main girls is not even worth mention it.

    The story is mediocre.

    The game is still extremely buggy, the hint system is all bugged and there is no walkthroug. You can look for answers in the page and you'll still find people trying to figure out things from the beginning of the game. If it wasn't for this this game could be a little enjoyable may be.
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    Cândido Faísca

    This game has good potencial, the story isn´t bad, the design is good and the characters look great. However, it is ruined with all the bugs and the fact that you can´t use previsous saves. That's a game killer to me. 1/5
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Well then.... Here we go again.

    This is a review for v 6.03 of the game.

    I will keep this short, why? Because this game already wasted too much of my Time.

    Let's start nice, the Positives.
    Like in the last game from Astaros3D you get really well made Renders and Animations + very hot Models.
    But that's where it stops.

    Like in the last game from this Dev, you get a terrible Gameplay, Game breaking bugs, horrendous Mini games and a bad progression.

    Astaros doesn't care about what people say, why am i saying that?
    Because this game is going through the same Problems as his last one.
    He brings out an update WITHOUT Bugfixes for the earlier versions and every new update just brings more Bugs. I am pretty sure that he doesn't Test his game before releasing it.

    This game could be a 4-5 star game if he just fixed the bugs and got rid of the annoying mini games. But does he even bother? No.

    So, do i recommend this Game? Absolutely NO!
    I hope Astaros3D starts to listen to the reviews and fixes all the problems, until then, i can't recommend this game, absolute waste of time.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    From someone that loved the devs last game, this one was a huge letdown, the characters and animations are very nice but that's where it stops, the mini games are lame, the way you have to randomly speed up time or just wait for something to trigger is stupid instead of actually going and doing something to trigger it, the story seems pointless and boring too
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Developers must make an effort to at least fix obvious game-breaking bugs. When you get undefined variable crashes by talking to one the main characters or by clicking on highlighted things in the player character's room then the release wasn't ready. Other bugs included waiting for characters that never showed up and preventing progress and phone gui elements that stuck on screen and forced a reload to get them off. Also there is a grind with bad minigames. Avoid for now. It's a waste of time.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game can be the best game if only there were regular updates (each 15 days or each month) without bugs!
    Otherwise, the models are great, the story looks interesting and the animations are good! I gave 5 stars to support the developer to do better.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    There is little to no content. One BJ scene and a few scenes where characters are nude. The game is also buggy. Would not recommend in the slightest. This game is so bad it should have it's own rating of godawful.
    Don't waste your time!

    0.0001 recurring/ 10
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Evil Dr Porkchop

    interface is decent, renders are quite good, sex scenes could use some work but are decent,navigation is easy, however clicking on certain things can be difficult eg mask in wardrobe ( spoiler )

    Mini games,each to their own,you'd better be good at math, which i found to be rather ambiguous as the icons representing X and square root need fixing

    Demon and Angle are a nice touch and feel as their part of your conscience.Story line so far is adequate

    Inabily to sleep or wait is rather annoying,roulette wheel is a complete pain pls change it to Blackjack if possible,not all of us are gamblers
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Oshitari Azumi

    It's pretty good so far, and I don't want to judge the game too harshly right off the bat since it is in it's earliest stages. So this is just what's based right now in 0.5.04EX:

    The characters look good, as expected, and the brief animations that aren't sex-related are pretty good. While I personally would've liked it if our character didn't have a face, this is fine too. Gameplay-wise, though, is a bit jarring if solely because there isn't much guidance. What I mean by that is that the two big parts of actual "gameplay", helping the MILF and finding the mask (I won't count helping the little sister out as that's just math or fixing the picture since that's pretty easy to do, and I even hesistate to call finding the mask "gameplay") are pretty difficult especially the second one. Trying the find that mask with no help can be pretty brutal especially since the mask blends in with with clothes it's in front of. Maybe a brief synopsis on what you have to do for the first part and some more hints for the second one could alleviate this. Otherwise, I'm pretty excited as to what this game will have in store. Even if the font suggests something pretty sketchy...
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Based on ver. [0.5.04 extras}

    What a crap game.

    This game is boring grind with little to no pay off and stupid min games. And the dev has take out quality of life features that hurt game play. Renpy's rollback feature is handy for when you accidently skip dialogue but the dev removed it. Oh no can't have player rollback in the game they MIGHT actually have fun with exploring different dialogue options.

    Something Dev's don't seem to understand about gambling mechanics the house ALWAYS wins in real life so if you don't let players cheat at least a bit by save spamming or rollbacks then you create mechanics that make you the dev a complete asshole as the odds are you will LOSE and LOSE over and over again, that is how real gambling works. Gee thanks just what I want in a flap game, realistic gambling mechanics. Just so I can grind out story steps.

    This game left me annoyed, pissed at the Dev and a feeling of getting no return on my time. A GAME should be enjoyable not a vehicle for someone obsessive need to control the players from skipping a grind.

    Don't waste you time playing this game it is crap and filled with "anti-cheats" that Force you to grind and frankly I have more interesting things to do with my time then grind out content because a developer is too unimaginative about mechanics and wants to punish players for not wanting to waste time grinding. There is also no sex in this game after 5+ releases and still no sex.

    The pacing of the story is really hurt by the grind as well. But don't grind thinking you'll get laid as I said before there is no sex in the game. just a couple of hand jobs and a blow job.

    Lets do a check list for this flap game
    - no sex (that's got to be a deal break in a flap game)
    - lots of grinding for little content
    - anti cheats to stop you from skipping the grind
    - no rollback to let you explore the story options with ease
    - annoying mini games
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Great content but a lot of bugs are present in this game. I love the way how you make your girls, and story is awesome but you have to fix all those bugs...
    BTW, I think in few month you will be the best storyteller in this industry
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    v.04 extras
    I played v.01 long ago and then this one.

    I think that anyone can clearly see the developer's strategy. In the first version there was hardly content and now, in the fourth, there is not much either. But do you know what was in the first? That great animation: the girl walking with those tits and the butt shaking... That was the hook, you know... so that you stay playing.

    Because then, the game doesn't have that kind of animations. It's a deception. There is a bad intention in the author. Also, the updates are too slow. Astaros3D need more people in the team. Once a month for 20 minutes of gameplay? Please...

    Also, the story does not seem interesting. The mother, the doctor and the little sister are inexpressive. I don't feel like see what's next in those plots. I just want to see what will happen to the two older sisters. But it doesn't matter because the game will take two years to be complete. It's not worth the wait.

    Neither the Angel nor the Devil are funny. Then the fight is annoying, just like in My Cute Roommate. Exploring is boring ... just click everywhere.

    The mouth animation when speaking was unnecesary, since there is no voice. The music and the sound effects are too normal.

    This game is very poor. A pity because the blonde sister and the brunette are very beautiful
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This is the perfect example of how a game can be good without incest (at least I don't think it has incest from what I played so far). I enjoy incest, but we simple have so many games with this on these days.
    Nice story, not 100% original tho.
    Very good renders. I'm not a big fan of big boobs, and this game seems to have lots of them. But, they are not the ugly giant ones that we see on some games, so I'm loving.
    So far I'm liking more than the Cousin game.