- Sep 24, 2017
- 1,316
- 3,153
5 - My appearance is nearly always 208. The atmosphere is completely different between the dancing at the community center in Pavlovsk and the nightclub in city center. At the community center I'm the center of attention and wildly popular and desired. The opposite reactions occur at the nightclub. Even all decked out with an appearance of 200+ most of the guys treat me like I'm ugly and fat, not drop dead gorgeous. I do get some lesbian options with some girls there but the guys don't pay me much attention. Even if I'm not well known in city center guys pay attention to a perfect 10 who walks through the door. I just feel that more work needs to be done with the nightclub dancing. It feels very neglected and doesn't fit well.1 -fixed
2 -fixed
3 -This is part of a larger problem where things like combat and magic are not considered. We are aware of it but no point fixing it until we sort out things like the flawed combat and magic systems first.
4 -They are if you click the links (the option to purchase disappears when you already have until you run out again).
5 -They check against appearance so try some nice clothes, brushed hair, bit of makeup, etc.
6 -It was electric touch but fixed regardless.
We're not keen on adding skills that can only be used in a single location/event but maybe if extended to include wider competition we will.:extremelyhappy:
Thank you for fixing the bugs!
Regarding the additional skills. Swimming takes place in the lake and in the swimming pool in city center. You could build events around swimming and even include swimming lessons and swimming competitions. It could fit into the game quite nicely. With pool and bowling you could do competitions also. You could add pool and bowling to the date options (also window shopping at the mall). There are plenty of ways to fit a swimming, pool, and bowling skill into the game. Probably a lower priority right now but it's worth jotting down for later.
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