Glad you enjoy the changes, we plan on some more differences in how they react at the disco as well soon hopefully this release I will have the time to do that. Once we have added a bit more variety to the chats and I am completely happy. I plan to use that template of code and then do the same thing when you talk to them during school lunch at the Pav school. Though they will act a bit different there than in a more relaxed environment like the disco.
One of the big changes is unlike school they now have a reaction for each social group like they always did but also 3 reactions now based on their personal relationship with them. So if you have a low relationship with them they will be more hostile and the higher the relationship the more friendly they will act even if you are a nerd etc.
As for who shows up and win, all of them now have a random chance to show up and it is checked more than once. Which each student has their own chance based on there personality so different odds who is there etc. Like Dimka and some of the other cool kids have the highest chance as status is important to them, while Ivan has the lowest chance, of those that go. Most of the nerds still don't go though.