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Girl Life (2022-03-07)
Hi, sorry... another question: This is the qsp file only so will I need the core pack from "Girl Life 0.8.5 Core Image Pack(Optimized)" as I'm currently using 8.5.1 (the official release).
Also as regards the game when attending class if you want Sveta to get good grades she has to pay attention & do homework but is there any benefit from asking questions?
Also a thought for some non fluff nice touch in a future update: if Sveta enters a competition maybe her family and BF/GF could attend and/or she could chat about it with family & friends... Similarly maybe add an option to introduce Sveta 's BF/GF to your family.
Funnily enough the main thing I love is the ability to do some of the non fluff stuff and as in life Sveta needs to commit substantial time to it if she wants to succeed. (In my teen years I was a good runner - finished 21st as a 1st year in secondary (high) school in a half marathon where everyone in the school had to compete - regrettably I had a shitty time then and became a bit of a rebel so didn't train etc. Looking back now, stupid decision but brings a smile to imagine what might have been).
Many thanks folks.