Girl Life Bugs
gschool_lessonsev1 - add the following below line 3:
gs 'stat'
succubus - lines 445,451,457 - empty description screen - add the following below these lines (cls) (cla):
gs 'stat'
I have sex with Tanya every weekend but my relationship score with her is still 5.
obj_din - The below (Character 'Description') code crashes the game:
if func('homes_properties', 'get_accessible_count') = 0:
'You have nowhere to live, if this is an error set your current home <a href="exec:gs ''obj_din'', <<$home[''current'']>>">here</a>.'
'Your current home is <a href="exec:gs ''obj_din'', <<$home[''current'']>>"><<$home[''name'']>></a>.'
arousal - add the following below line 943 (otherwise arousal doesn't get updated on the screen):
gs 'stat'