What's the strength to 200 thing all about? Is that going to make fights easier?
Yes and no, there was a few reasons we did it. Anya covered one, the other was max str should be when a women looks like a body builder which negatively effects your looks and players found it very hard to keep in that sweet spot of being as strong as they can with out effecting looks in a negative way. Plus it was to easy to max and really maxing strength requires more than just doing yoga, running etc which right now you could do.
The way str now works is this. 1-100 is normal "girl" str, just what you can get from doing any kind of workout to strengthen your body etc. 101-150 is dedicated muscle gains, that is when you have to do dedicated weight training to grow large muscles(so you will never accidentally go over 100 now and have negative look modifiers), to get 151-200 you have the do the above and use drugs like steroids and then you will have huge muscles and look like a female body builder. This will also help us with the images for the varies strengths so it is easier to keep the image you like.
Male NPC's will have a str range of 1-150 naturally, then they will cap at somewhere around 200-250 from weight training and then higher with drugs. We have not yet really discussed how to handle the male NPC's yet other than they will have a higher range so males in the game will be getting much stronger.
So IF you max str to 200 and only fight other girls, then yes it will likely make fights easier than they are now. But if you don't go above 100 which is as high as you can go before it starts to negatively effect your looks, then at least some of the fights are going to be harder than they was against other girls and likely most or all the fights against male NPC's are going to be harder now or will be once we adjust them.