Replies below
Hello everyone,
Firstly I want to apologize for the long text but I have some questions for you all. I really LOVE this sim and I want to contribute as much as I can. I am dealing with some health issues, I am not allowed to work for the following 6 months, so I want to ask:
How long does it take to learn to code on this QSP platform, I was doing some C++ coding for fun, nothing serious, but since I have time now I want to learn it since I am going to be very bored otherwise?
You don't need to know how to code, learning the basics on how to do text for scenes, image calls and how to do acts to move the scene along is a big plus though. As you need to give coders info on how to finish the code. Learning the basics is something you could do in a few days to a few weeks depending on how much you want to work on it. Then you could write for the game.
I have plan for some things I want to improve/add, so naturally I have to ask some experts if it is gonna be possible to do everything I have in mind.
- Pictures & Text
There are some events that need to be done more than 10 times in order to progress, I can live with that because it is supposed to be realistic but I think it is possible to add different dialogue and picture for every single time to make it more interesting and not skip, skip, skip. Also some pictures/videos are so disgusting i want to puke and I want to change those as well.
In theory we would love to do that, but it is a question of where do we put our efforts, minor varaitions of similar scenes or all new content. Most players prefer us to focus on the later.
- Quest Tracker/The Notepad
I think it is a pretty good idea that gives you indirect dialogue to what you are supposed to do, it is way more interesting and I want to add every single quest/event there.
That would be fantastic, one the main people adding to the journal is no longer with us, due to health reasons.
- Fitting image for fitting dialogue
This is the most time consuming and i don't know if its gonna be possible to do. A code to track what kind of hair color your character has so it will show you the proper image. I will ignore this for now since it feels like a self given punishment to torture yourself. I don't know if I am a masochist but it looks like I am not since the thought of this project drives me crazy.
Since the player can change their hair etc it is impossible to make the images match the MC. Ok not impossible but it would take a LOT of coding and a ton of images. Honestly it is hard enough to just finding images to match the locations, rough ages of the characters involved for a lot of content. So instead we try to make the images match the NPC's instead, Like Anushka is mostly Veruca James, Sonia is Riley Reid mostly etc.
= Character Story
There are so so so many characters and things that can be done with them and interactions between the characters themself, oh my god, its like a candy shop. So many ideas come to my mind solely by writhing this... but since I don't know how to code, all my dreams will drown in the river since I know nobody wants to do difficult tasks and people do it on their spare time out of love for the game. but since I can to work 24/7 on this, I think it is going to be fun.
Different people work on different NPC's there is a fair number of them open, our only requirements for someone adding new contentto a open NPC is the following.
1) It fits the game setting. so no alien space ships etc
2) The new content fits the NPC's personality. Like Dimka isn't going to suddenly become a submissive nerdy nice guy etc
- Character Flavor
This is basically the same thing But I would love to add or change some characters because I felt like most characters want to fuck me up mentally in some way. very realistic if I might add but I would like to see sweet and charming guys like Feodan/Fepfan, he is so sweet and amazing, I would die for him.
We try to have a variety, Fedor(who I think you was trying to spell, unless you mean the nerd Feofan) has a nice BF story arc. Artem has a nice BF story arc but needs to be expanded.
Niko and Dimka have darker story arcs. So we like to have a nice mix of story arcs for variety.
There are some other small tasks/projects I want to do but maybe I will have to give up on everything If I won't be able to learn how to code. So to summarize, this is my question.
Are there any guides in video or text format where I can learn from because i tried to look at the code on my own but I don't know what I was looking at. Do you think that its possible to learn or I am getting over my self.
Thank you so much in advance. I appreciate all your hard work and I love you all.
You best bet is join our discord server and you can PM me there same user name and we can go from there. After I walk you thru the basics and answer any questions. After that if you are still interested, I will direct you to Kevin who would be the one to give you access to working on the game.