"I should take Katja to the park to get her to to hook up with random guys"
Yeah, and when you try doing so the game says you remember they don't use protection, so you turn her down. I got condoms and morning after pills in my bag, and I've already told her to take birth control pills. She's been with Ivan and Marcus. Do I have to do another long grind of talking about sex with her before she asks again? 0 hints in the journal. Why is it so hard to do the basic thing of whoring up your friends in a game like this?
I also remember awhile back it was possible to get her knocked up in the park orgies, but now the game acts as if that's not an option - if the MC and Natasha fall to hard to get pregnant early and Sonia becomes the town biccycle, Katja should have that option too. It's all about the choices and it's fine for it to be there. She can still be in Uni after having a kid, her family can help or whatever - if the MC has one it's basically an afterthought, so who cares.