
Active Member
Nov 4, 2018
I've started trying to do that... But Their are a lot of potential locker room scenes in particular... I spent 30 minutes (Probably over 1000 scenes) this morning cycling through a bunch. In the end I got one repeated scene with Christina that I could interact with, but it was to 'save' Natasha. I think it's a Christina event though since I have options and ended up going with that one...
Yep, that's the one.

Then when leaving school there's another where you bend/fall over and get to tell Christina off.

I don't recall if there are other events that work for the Christina quest, I've always managed it by getting those two a few times.

Cygnus X-1

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2021
I guess this is a dumb question, but how do I learn magic spells and what is their use? Fending off rapists in the streets? Winning kickboxing matches? I have just started as a magical school girl.


Jun 20, 2021
Yep, that's the one.

Then when leaving school there's another where you bend/fall over and get to tell Christina off.

I don't recall if there are other events that work for the Christina quest, I've always managed it by getting those two a few times.
I have gotten another locker room scene before where Christina picks on me in the locker room, but that was in a test game as I tried to work out how things work... I didn't find that scene again though.

After all that hard work I've now confronted her at my locker on day 1, twice outside school when she trips you, and in the locker to defend Natasha... So I think I'm getting close...?

I guess this is a dumb question, but how do I learn magic spells and what is their use? I have just started as a magical school girl.
Thankfully this is a question I can answer! Tatiana (the magic investigator) is in the City Center, so if your a school girl you need to take the train into the city. You also have to have gotten at least a 1 in Magic before you get a scene which let's you visit her. Once you do visit her you can perform 'mechanically assisted sex acts' to unlock learning specific spells.

The first one you can get is 'Fog', which seems to obscure you in combat. I have seen that some other options include making yourself better looking and others are specifically for combat. There are also heals which can be useful. In fact most of the first spells are things like the various heals. My magic level is currently 'only' a 6, because I just haven't apparently had enough sex.

Tatiana also let's you train Int & Spirit stats. She can also perform spells with you that alter your body, so if you want smaller/bigger boobs or a smaller/bigger ass, among other things, she can do it... Though those drain a lot of HP/MP and include high pain levels when performed.
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Jun 20, 2021
Totally separate question... But as I was trying to figure out how to push Modern Dance to 50, I looked up my current stats in the cheat menu... Is this meant to look like it does...?
Because I thought all skills were derived from your base stats and your individual skill so they should always be higher than the skill bonus itself... But my bonus IS 50, and yet my skill is 49...?


That which passes is forgotten.
Game Developer
Jan 18, 2023
Totally separate question... But as I was trying to figure out how to push Modern Dance to 50, I looked up my current stats in the cheat menu... Is this meant to look like it does...?

Because I thought all skills were derived from your base stats and your individual skill so they should always be higher than the skill bonus itself... But my bonus IS 50, and yet my skill is 49...?
it is explained in journal, wi' a breakdown at least in dev. as to building yer skill you hae three places, pav community centre fer basic dance and starlets if you want to work wi' albina, ye hae ballet secrets in pushkin which offers yoga and ballet (this is the shop i am working on in dev) and ye hae havana in the city which has a wide range o' options to build things up. be warned even if ye concentrate on it almost exclusively it will take at least a month tae tick up to fifty.


I guess this is a dumb question, but how do I learn magic spells and what is their use? Fending off rapists in the streets? Winning kickboxing matches? I have just started as a magical school girl.
there is a plotline wi' tatianna in through the lab but that is itt, after next release will be mostly working in add a lot more magical elements tae the game, but due to how nasty some o' them will likely be the vast majority will nae kick tae after the first year in game time to gi' the player time to understand magic and the consequences o' that. i am currently buildin' oot the all the magic content wi' how all the fae, humans and other races history and new avenues tae explore. this is going to take a bit o' time and fair bit o' a review tae major cock ups wi' the plot.
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Cygnus X-1

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2021
it is explained in journal, wi' a breakdown at least in dev. as to building yer skill you hae three places, pav community centre fer basic dance and starlets if you want to work wi' albina, ye hae ballet secrets in pushkin which offers yoga and ballet (this is the shop i am working on in dev) and ye hae havana in the city which has a wide range o' options to build things up. be warned even if ye concentrate on it almost exclusively it will take at least a month tae tick up to fifty.

View attachment 3888929

there is a plotline wi' tatianna in through the lab but that is itt, after next release will be mostly working in add a lot more magical elements tae the game, but due to how nasty some o' them will likely be the vast majority will nae kick tae after the first year in game time to gi' the player time to understand magic and the consequences o' that. i am currently buildin' oot the all the magic content wi' how all the fae, humans and other races history and new avenues tae explore. this is going to take a bit o' time and fair bit o' a review tae major cock ups wi' the plot.
Nasty spells? Like black magic or necromancy? I never thought my MC in a (naughty) life simulation would be summoning demons, possessing people and raising the dead. o_O Never mind first putting deadly curses on them.


Jun 20, 2021
it is explained in journal, wi' a breakdown at least in dev. as to building yer skill you hae three places, pav community centre fer basic dance and starlets if you want to work wi' albina, ye hae ballet secrets in pushkin which offers yoga and ballet (this is the shop i am working on in dev) and ye hae havana in the city which has a wide range o' options to build things up. be warned even if ye concentrate on it almost exclusively it will take at least a month tae tick up to fifty.

View attachment 3888929
Wow... A month to go from 49 to 50? Or is that meant to be something like 20-50? Because a month for 1 point seems... Insane.

As a test, since I can't see progress bars, I went into the cheat menu and just bumped my agility by 1 (52 to 53)... I instantly hit 50 in Modern Dance... So I must have been very close. It also seems I'd been better off doing more exercise.

But the sessions themselves had told me that my agility was already quite high and my skill couldn't match it (So I'd been doing training there). It may be a sound idea to take a look at the messaging provided to players. Even if that means breaking the 4th wall and pushing out messaging like the progress bars in the messaging. Player feedback is very bare bones.


That which passes is forgotten.
Game Developer
Jan 18, 2023
Wow... A month to go from 49 to 50? Or is that meant to be something like 20-50? Because a month for 1 point seems... Insane.

As a test, since I can't see progress bars, I went into the cheat menu and just bumped my agility by 1 (52 to 53)... I instantly hit 50 in Modern Dance... So I must have been very close. It also seems I'd been better off doing more exercise.

But the sessions themselves had told me that my agility was already quite high and my skill couldn't match it (So I'd been doing training there). It may be a sound idea to take a look at the messaging provided to players. Even if that means breaking the 4th wall and pushing out messaging like the progress bars in the messaging. Player feedback is very bare bones.
the game got nerfed as there is more than sufficient content fer ye tae do in the city, so two years. the team is aiming fer eight years, so the skills growths is reflective o' that. this is one o' the reasons i asked fer the breakout o' stats tae figure out areas i could balance for ballet skills growth which is the area i work on most. it is also one o' the main reasons i have nae got around to creating mair ballet content as i have tae dog food me own code wi' balancing and bug fixing.

Nasty spells? Like black magic or necromancy? I never thought my MC in a (naughty) life simulation would be summoning demons, possessing people and raising the dead. o_O Never mind first putting deadly curses on them.
maybe. i am looking at various types tantric which is already in the game, alchemic wi' chemicals, plants and vitae, apotropaic is rune magic essentially, and sympathetic totem magic similar to voodoo dolls. sympathetic would likely cover yer curses. i am also reviewing how spells are learnt, and who teaches the {mc}or even how to approach magical combat. fer example rune magic wid take too long and apotropaic is a passive system

then you hae the fae and human magic, human magic is derived from the fae and by its nature weaker. weaker does not mean less dangerous or ineffective but it is no match from fae magic based on the mists and the sheer age o' some o' the fae.

demons are something, alien, and will represent one o' the nastiest enemies ye will face in the game. they will represent the main antagonists throughout but nae the only ones. as yer will hae to deal with the fae and human council as well. the games take on demons will be also unique, so bin any preconceptions what they are or even doing.

this is all in flux as i am still trying to stitch the history o' fae and humans together before settling on final systems. the fae going to be a unique take in that you have the seeli court which is almost magic focused and the unseeli whome are mostly technomages using a mix o' steampunk and modern technology as needed. there is lore reasons for this split and then you have how human magi came to be and their history. the difference between the fae is pretty set now as that directly comes from the fae history that has now been written.

there is going to be the various races reasons wi' their own factions, humans wi' their own priorities and there is a third faction that nobody kens fit they are about.

most o' this has been discussed on our discord boards o'er the last few months and i have been generating some concept images to be added tae the game which hae been posted in the ai section. like this image o' the fae city o' avalon before the fall:



Jun 20, 2021
the game got nerfed as there is more than sufficient content fer ye tae do in the city, so two years. the team is aiming fer eight years, so the skills growths is reflective o' that. this is one o' the reasons i asked fer the breakout o' stats tae figure out areas i could balance for ballet skills growth which is the area i work on most. it is also one o' the main reasons i have nae got around to creating mair ballet content as i have tae dog food me own code wi' balancing and bug fixing.
Oooph... As a dev (though of table top RPGS) that sounds rough. Though... I can see two things that might help: A buff like the one in the MtF start or lowering the requirements for the 'school level' activities. For the first I played the MtF to see what it was like (not knowing it was basically a custom stat requirement and having no idea what stats I would need) and the buff did help make skills feel 'okish' as they developed. Or... 40 for either Volleyball or Albina (the 2 I know of) would probably be fine and are achievable without needing to specifically start with the volleyball or dancer backgrounds. But that's just some ideas off the top of my head! xD


That which passes is forgotten.
Game Developer
Jan 18, 2023
Oooph... As a dev (though of table top RPGS) that sounds rough. Though... I can see two things that might help: A buff like the one in the MtF start or lowering the requirements for the 'school level' activities. For the first I played the MtF to see what it was like (not knowing it was basically a custom stat requirement and having no idea what stats I would need) and the buff did help make skills feel 'okish' as they developed. Or... 40 for either Volleyball or Albina (the 2 I know of) would probably be fine and are achievable without needing to specifically start with the volleyball or dancer backgrounds. But that's just some ideas off the top of my head! xD
you wid be best bouncing that into the discord fer discussion. most o' the devs or team do not hang around here. i only do when i hae time to do so or taking a break fae game testing or real life commitments allow me. i am looking at introducing new systems to make the game more accessible to new players some o' which will land next release. one of the biggest projects i hae out-with ballet is over-hauling the journal quests page to be a lot more user friendly and informative and a lot easier fer coders to add the quests stages, after that i can hopefully bring those same systems across to other parts o' the game. we already made the skills growth far more accessible fer players. there is a lot going on under the hood at the moment even if you do not see much content being added, a lot o' modernising the auld game systems and generally making the game easier to engage wi' o'er the last few releases


Jun 20, 2021
you wid be best bouncing that into the discord fer discussion. most o' the devs or team do not hang around here. i only do when i hae time to do so or taking a break fae game testing or real life commitments allow me. i am looking at introducing new systems to make the game more accessible to new players some o' which will land next release. one of the biggest projects i hae out-with ballet is over-hauling the journal quests page to be a lot more user friendly and informative and a lot easier fer coders to add the quests stages, after that i can hopefully bring those same systems across to other parts o' the game. we already made the skills growth far more accessible fer players. there is a lot going on under the hood at the moment even if you do not see much content being added, a lot o' modernising the auld game systems and generally making the game easier to engage wi' o'er the last few releases
Sadly I have no time for that... I'm already part of more Discord servers than I have time for. I wish I had more time, anytime the world wants to give me like 40 hour days I'm all for it! xD

Though if anyone is in their discord and wants to put forth either ideas I'm fine with that!

And now back to my journey with Albina... Vicky grabbed me and dragged her to her house straight after school to miss my 2nd day with Albina... And I don't have a good idea what days I need to be there anyways... It's not in Quests or Work.. and if it did have a 'moodlet' like your mood, I didn't see it on Monday... I can't wait for clear information... xD

Something completely unrelated, but... Has Vicky's quest changed? I'm spending the night at her house and the wiki says "Spy on them between 23-23:30" and suggests it's random... But I used quick save to do it over 30 times... And it never happened... I assume I spy on them in Vicky's room...? xD
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Active Member
Nov 4, 2018
Wow... A month to go from 49 to 50? Or is that meant to be something like 20-50? Because a month for 1 point seems... Insane.

As a test, since I can't see progress bars, I went into the cheat menu and just bumped my agility by 1 (52 to 53)... I instantly hit 50 in Modern Dance... So I must have been very close. It also seems I'd been better off doing more exercise.
Basically, it takes 2 levels of modern dancing skill to gain 1 point in modern dancing, or 6 points of the associated stats (Agi, Rea, End).

Training modern dancing is quite slow, and once your modern dancing skill level hits 50, I think you can't even train it at Pavlovsk community center anymore.

If you're looking to train your stats, volleyball classes at the community center are ridiculously good (compared to other options) for training Str, Agi and End. For Reaction you gotta wake up pretty early in the morning and squeeze in some jump roping, which will also help with Agi.


That which passes is forgotten.
Game Developer
Jan 18, 2023
Basically, it takes 2 levels of modern dancing skill to gain 1 point in modern dancing, or 6 points of the associated stats (Agi, Rea, End).

Training modern dancing is quite slow, and once your modern dancing skill level hits 50, I think you can't even train it at Pavlovsk community center anymore.

If you're looking to train your stats, volleyball classes at the community center are ridiculously good (compared to other options) for training Str, Agi and End. For Reaction you gotta wake up pretty early in the morning and squeeze in some jump roping, which will also help with Agi.
ballet secrets can also be good for advanced training wi' ballet, yoga and pilates being offered in the next release. it has higher barrier o' entry wi' travel time and membership costs. we are also discussing about adding sports injuries requiring a physio and recuperation if you over train.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
Oooph... As a dev (though of table top RPGS) that sounds rough. Though... I can see two things that might help: A buff like the one in the MtF start or lowering the requirements for the 'school level' activities. For the first I played the MtF to see what it was like (not knowing it was basically a custom stat requirement and having no idea what stats I would need) and the buff did help make skills feel 'okish' as they developed. Or... 40 for either Volleyball or Albina (the 2 I know of) would probably be fine and are achievable without needing to specifically start with the volleyball or dancer backgrounds. But that's just some ideas off the top of my head! xD
You can change the xp advancement in the menu. The default is set for it taking several years to hit max stats, if you change the xp gain you can speed it up or slow it down.


Sep 2, 2018
I'm a long time fan of this game. It's always been one of my favorites and I love the fact that it still continues to develop even to this day.

I did have a curious question in the plans for development - will it ever be possible to have a sexual but positive reputation? Essentially, I'm hoping there will eventually be a way 'main character' will have such a reputation of free use and because she's such a friendly Bimbo people aren't cruel to her (As it currently is if your reputation gets slutty then the effect is outcast and generally most characters don't want to speak or are mean). Don't get me wrong, I think that the current kind of function should be there too, it would just be nice to have a couple paths toward Slutty/Outcast and Slutty/friendly.

Curious if one day the game can kind of mimic a Spidu Free Use kind of comic if you've ever read their art. People casually groping and bending over the main character because she's just such a friendly little gal. ;)


Jun 20, 2021
So... Skill questions aside... I keep hitting stumbling blocks in certain quests:

I still can't figure out how to get the event to fire at the Meynold house as part of Vicky's questline. I can repeat the talk with the mom and the invite to stay the night, but I've never had anything else happen and I have no idea why. Until I can figure it out I actually put that playthrough on hold...

In the meantime I decided to make a new MtF school run and start it sooner so I can develop my skills more. In that run I can't seem to trigger the threesome with Anya, the sister, and Roma. I can have loads of lesbian sex with sis, but nothing more... Maybe it's because that run I'm still a 'virgin'? The MC there hasn't done more than anal...

Also... I'm trying to get the 2nd Anushka event to come up where she invites you to eat her out (because you can't get an invite to her house before that I believe), but even hundreds of attempts in I can never get that one. Anushka is a cutie, so I don't want to miss out... But does it maybe require school to be in session? Scratch that, I finally got it to fire... It's just apparently super ultra rare... And the wiki claims this leads to a scene in the hall, but if I follow her she confronts me and then walks off...? Did eating her out on the stairs go away?
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
I'm a long time fan of this game. It's always been one of my favorites and I love the fact that it still continues to develop even to this day.

I did have a curious question in the plans for development - will it ever be possible to have a sexual but positive reputation? Essentially, I'm hoping there will eventually be a way 'main character' will have such a reputation of free use and because she's such a friendly Bimbo people aren't cruel to her (As it currently is if your reputation gets slutty then the effect is outcast and generally most characters don't want to speak or are mean). Don't get me wrong, I think that the current kind of function should be there too, it would just be nice to have a couple paths toward Slutty/Outcast and Slutty/friendly.

Curious if one day the game can kind of mimic a Spidu Free Use kind of comic if you've ever read their art. People casually groping and bending over the main character because she's just such a friendly little gal. ;)
No because that is one of the core aspects of the game, to balance your rep with what you do. With that said some NPC's don't care about your rep so won't treat you bad because of it.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
So... Skill questions aside... I keep hitting stumbling blocks in certain quests:

I still can't figure out how to get the event to fire at the Meynold house as part of Vicky's questline. I can repeat the talk with the mom and the invite to stay the night, but I've never had anything else happen and I have no idea why. Until I can figure it out I actually put that playthrough on hold...

In the meantime I decided to make a new MtF school run and start it sooner so I can develop my skills more. In that run I can't seem to trigger the threesome with Anya, the sister, and Roma. I can have loads of lesbian sex with sis, but nothing more... Maybe it's because that run I'm still a 'virgin'? The MC there hasn't done more than anal...

Also... I'm trying to get the 2nd Anushka event to come up where she invites you to eat her out (because you can't get an invite to her house before that I believe), but even hundreds of attempts in I can never get that one. Anushka is a cutie, so I don't want to miss out... But does it maybe require school to be in session?
I personally don't work on the Meynolds so I am not sure exactly what you have to do to start that.

The cursed school boy starts with some of the worst stats in the game so you will actually be in worse off even if you start sooner to try and get you stats/skills up.

As for Anya there is a Anya/Roma 3some even if you are a virgin. So that won't block it, as I wrote that special scene. The only thing you have to do is mess around with Anya enough and spy on her and Roma a few times and I believe it should unlock it

As for Anushka you can have sex with her before going to her apartment but actually it is easier to do the other way. All you need to do to get a invite to her apartment is get your relationship up to 60 with her and then talk to her at school, I believe the disco, or catch her in the apartment courtyard and she should invite you.


Active Member
Nov 4, 2018
Scratch that, I finally got it to fire... It's just apparently super ultra rare... And the wiki claims this leads to a scene in the hall, but if I follow her she confronts me and then walks off...? Did eating her out on the stairs go away?
Some events that fire when entering locations (such as stranger hook-ups) are quite low chance because if they weren't, they'd show up so much it'd be a bother.

The event hasn't gone away, you probably just don't have good enough relationship with her.
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