Well if you like copy and paste in games, happy you, I can have my say because as a player, I feel taken for the piss, and the game is made for those who play it, I think, or what sense would it have, no for 4 friends who love the comfort of stories, Mc and Ashley usual cuckold couple, etc. cheating, without Mc ever having the balls to act, what novelty or taste do you always have in the same stories, the names change, and some little things, but the plot is always that of a thousand other games, so I allow myself the luxury of criticizing something that could occasionally be unique, but which is punctually a copy and paste in the long run. even if a porn game must also give an emotion, many of you play them as if they were films already made by actors with already pre-set decisions, what's the taste in this, a lot of story, only 15% of the decisions, of which only the 5% a little invasive.