Whoever the developer is for this game, I'm sure he/she/they are here on this forum.
Here are some thoughts:
You really, really need to change the font used. No, seriously. The strength/boldness is way to much, and the outline makes it even worse. The letters literally melt into each other. I'd also suggest you stick to the same color for dialogues. It's a pain to read. Character names can be in different colors though.
I also suggest you implement a dialogue box opacity slider in the preferences to make the scenes easier to read, and to look at.
As I mentioned on page 39 about the translation. Keep it simple and stick to the working formula that other games use when it comes to what characters are thinking or doing, just use a cursive font or quotes. "Your thoughts" when in some different color that you are used to when talking to others, is really confusing.
Please don't take this as a bashing on your game, but rather constructive criticism. You have a very cute looking LI, that's why I decided to play your game.
Good luck