I don't like the idea of adding a bunch of obscure stat requirements (grades, stamina, whatever) to trigger events. It is adding tedium, not entertainment. If he did this, I would want to see all event requirements in the 'Hints' section in the Status page, and a UI button to trigger the event when you're at the correct spot. If it's we don't meet the requirements, gray-out the UI button and tell us why: "Come back at 5:00pm," "Sarah doesn't seem to be here," "You're not strong enough to participate in this event." That is the only way to keep the game enjoyable while adding yet another layer of event requirement complexity (that we already need a walk through for, in the first place).
I'll tell you what will end up happening. As soon as we start a new game, we'll spend 3 weeks in-game maxing out all our stats and ignoring the girls just to minimize the risk of missing something.
By the way, I won't be doing a 14.2 version of the refined walkthrough. Aside from the Status-page teleporting being fixed, and changes to the Follow mechanics, there's nothing to add/change from 14.1. It takes me about 6 hours to play-test a new walkthrough/version, and I just spent 2 days working on an I Love Daddy walkthrough, so I need to catch up on other things around the house or the wife is gonna get pissy at me for not leaving my cave.