Thank you for you thoughtful answer, you really are invested in your game and its feedback. It's pleasurable to see! I will answer to the points you made. Mostly for exchanging thoughts and ideas
Everybody has different tastes 
Some prefer fantasy, some prefer realistic, some prefer futuristic.
I like every setting if it has consistency. I was
not criticizing the choice you made, but rather
the way it was introduced. I felt it clashed with the way the universe was presented to me first, purely plot-wise.
Maybe it would have been easier to believe if there had been clues about metaphysical shit happening in the world.For exemple, coming home the second day and hearing your candid sister telling an anecdote : "I heard on the TV that there was a solar eclipse on the other side of the world that didn't fit the previsions at all. Maybe science can't explain everything after all, what if there are more? Like ghosts or angels? hahaha forgive me I'm just being silly".
And few days later after the first event with the succubus the protagonist would remember : "So my silly sister was right? Although it wasn't an angel, rather a pure demon. What if I bring her here next time?". (
With more subtle dialogues than mine maybe 
Just quick fixes like that would link the events and tie the universe together better, in my opinion.
Glassix was never intended to be a classic VN game. I always wanted to make a nice simulation game where you can go about your life, seduce the girls you meet in town using the glasses and do various activities. You can roam in the city and do whatever you want. In a simulation game, it's much more difficult to introduce story driven consequences since the girls still have to follow a pattern.
Yeah! That's what makes Glasses great!

It mustn't become a visual novel unlike what I said.
Your simulation concept is better. However the risk/reward stuff can be implemented even in the late game with some mechanics. For exemple there is a girl that like arcade game, how about implementing a 1kb mini game of pong or smth, in which you try to beat her as an IA and it unlocks level 3 obedience? And with you teacher, implement a general culture test? With your step mother, implement an
Operation mini-game in which you have to bring the cursor from point A to B without shaking too much. These would make the "seduction" process part a lot more fun, and unlocking actual hardcore sex scenes afterwards for such "easy" activities would still make the glasses relevant in the story.
Just some throwing off ideas. Maybe hard to make (why not steal code from old flash games that are around the web idk ^^), but just that would make Glassix funnier on the long run.
As you said, too many characters can feel blend in the end but at the moment, I think CarpeNoctem did a good job with his girls. I only worked on the 8 first girls myself (+ Lily and Anael but those two are indeed more blend due to their story). CarpeNoctem girls all have different personalities and stories and are quite entertaining to follow.
I think so too, he could not have done more of a great job,
it's great.
What I pointed out is more inherent to the models used, that doesn't allow much variety in the faces or the haircut.
But it's great nonetheless, this'd be unjust to put that against you. (because after all, you are left out in an entire city, so there should indeed be that much girls on the streets!)
- our step mother should be a boss or something : Why ? If you had glasses and a hot step mom, wouldn't you go for her first ? The glasses work the same for all girls so it would be safer to test it on a close relative first, it makes more sense. You want a realistic setting but for some reason, you want the mother to be more difficult than the others ? Again, it's a matter of preferences but Glassix being a simulation game, it makes no sense to restrict the access to your step mom.
Well, realistically, a close relative should have more inhibitions toward you. After all, incest is likely to be the taboo that is "the beginning and essence of culture". Likely, if I had a hot step mother, I wouldn't take the risk too soon and make life in the house awkward. She would be the consecrations of all the effort I put into learning the glasses strengths and limits.
The gameplay can't become inexistant after an update. It was either here right away or never there since I didn't make any big gameplay update so far.
Think about how at first, there was only 10 points of obedience to raise. Make the other "follow you" is actually a gameplay mechanic. But then you have to raise 100 points, and you just click on the same button again and again to have sex and spoil yourself the scenes by repeating them until boredom. Or you can just cheat by repeatedly clicking the button in the character infos. That's where I think the gameplay becomes inexistant: repetition and grinding, loss of pleasure, necessity to cheat to keep having fun.
- ... One could like to service you, so she'll be good to focus on at early levels, but maybe another one will like anal and orgies and will earn you much more sexual energy once she reaches level 4. Then you'll spend this currency in Lily's shop to buy spells, some weak and other powerful. This feature and the spell list are coming this month in 0.22 (If you don't like the fantasy settings, maybe it's not a good feature for you though :x)
I'm glad I can clear that up: IT'S GREAT. Awesome,
like a real video game, with a shop, an idea of progression, management of ressources, the need to know the girls tastes and uniqueness. Here,
the fantasy setting is actually exploited at the core mechanics of the game, so I love it.
- Many shops opening in the city to buy new outfits. Each girl will have different tastes. Some items will help you raise affection, other will help you control their bladder or dirtiness levels to force them to go to toilets (or pee themselves if you wish so) and take a bath. Many jobs to earn money and possibly H events.
This open new perspectives and renewal. It's even open quite lewd options ^^ So the rewards here are worth the time spents in job.
- Dating : I've not had much time to properly think about how to implement this one but the affection system
Maybe chose how she will call you : something like "dear" to "master" or "cum bucket" according to the level of affection.
Orders to give if there are other persons in the room : "Go undress this other girl with force", "go insult her", "walk in public with my cum on your face", "spit out on her".
Quite lewd fantasies here, the lewder the better :3 Make your girlfriend even more of a puppet than the other girls by making exclusive scenes, And only for that you can create a "karma" meter like you intended first, but only for the way you treat your girlfriend so it's easier to implement. With two endings, one for slaver and the other for lover route. So re-playability is relevant (by choosing another girl, or another route).
With such a game you created, there are so many opportunities. And all the perspectives you're considering (hopefully including mines)
makes me excited to play and follow the project actively again. Take care!