Geez, Talk about excessive, But yeah I get Your point and to reply: I'm blind and forgot about Player Settings, My bad G.
Just try not to have an Aneurysm this New Years on a misspelled sign (This is a joke meant to be taken in light.)
I admit he went off a bit harsh there, but most of what he said I agree with; random capitalisation of words is just straight up 'fuck off' material. I, too, am blind - literally can only use one eye - but I still saw where the customisation options and the settings was. Granted, they're not easy to see, but forgetting about settings is something literally nobody who's ever played a video game and doesn't have the attention span of a particularly challenged three year old does.
I'm also gonna assume you meant 'to be taken lightly', unless of course you suddenly became Shakespeare, in which case doth thou knowest thine sensibilities, ruddered as thou art, spoil'd with sourness betwixt thine nubile ears; one supposeth thine humours art ill-balanced, for thine intellect doth frighten. Hark! Such results of meagre standing giveth thee no podium nor platform!
Tis a jest, one to lightly take.