It depends on whether you want the protag to be an aggressor or victim. Most of these sidescrolling sprite sex games are the latter. You could try the dev's previous game, Chronicles of Prey 2. It's in Japanese but that rarely matters for these action games. There's also Sakyubasu no Tatakai, in English on Newgrounds. Finally, Virgin Invader. Mind you, you can find these on Sukebei, such games will have the [ACT] tag.
For female protag as the victim I can recommend:
Ghost Hunter Vena + Xenotake, which are available on this site in English
Another Dimension (this one is as much gore as sex, you've been warned)
House of R'Thoth, which is in English on Newgrounds.
Unholy Sanctuary + the sequels
Vita's Great Escape
Future Fragments