Ah, this game. I was going to make a partial for this one back when it came out, but it was too much trouble.
For those wondering why the menu is not translated, I'd say it's because large parts of the menu are images. (I couldn't find them in the json files anyway) So the translator would have to decrypt the images, dig through them to find the menu stuff, edit the images, then re-encrypt them. Kind of a pain, that's why I never made a partial, lol. I'm not familiar with the person who translated this, maybe they simply couldn't find them. Just wanted to let those wondering know that it's not a trivial matter.
As for the game itself, I enjoyed it. While it is just goblins, there are quite a few positions. And while the comparison to Karryn's Prison is obvious, this one does a few things that game does not. Namely impregnation, pregnancy, and birth, as well as nipple penetration, though you have to grind quite a bit before that last one is unlocked. (And just as an aside to those newer to H-games, Karryn's Prison is far from the first battle fuck game)