VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Good Girl Gone Bad [v1.2 Jasmin DLC] [Eva Kiss]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, after playing this game I think it might be the hottest porn game ever. I'm a sucker for realism so loved the gameplay and story. Writing isn't the best one out there but it's fine. And the best part of the game for me is drawing. Hottest fucking thing i've ever seen.

    Ashley being naughty is the hottest shit ever.
  2. K
    5.00 star(s)

    Ke Hang

    5 stars for good storyline, quality graphics and regular updates .
    Starts with lots of real choices, branching off to different storyline.
    Path of staying good are not that interesting
    Lately, too many characters and difficult to track story
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing!
    When I first look at it I thought that it is pretty boring without many pictures.
    But now I see how deep and exciting it is.
    It is a plus that author doesn't use many pictures.
    It gives him time to write really interesting story.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The story is about a girl becoming more and more libertine and promiscuous in her life, with various choices about how this is executed. The game seems to be divided into a few different "minigames" or different storylines that you can connect to or from as a player, but most of these were unappealing to me, involving drugs, celebrity-worship, and gangs with some unlikable characters. I find that the choices generally don't matter that much, because the I don't get any serious attachment to any of the characters, and the whole game is based on a hollow and inconsequential notion of sexuality. The "minigame" about improving MC's popularity on social media is probably the most interesting one, but there's not much meat on it in terms of game mechanics.

    The quality of the artwork is, in general, quite poor and awkward. Sex and nude scenes sometimes look downright unattractive. While this may be realistic to some extent, it's hardly what you want in drawn artwork. For me personally, this counts as at least 2 negative stars. Together with the overall dryness and artificiality of the atmosphere of the game, I can only give it 2 stars.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best VNs I've played. The choices make real differences that go beyond cosmetics. There are no right or wrong answers, just different paths.
    The level of complexity in the plot goes far beyond most other games.
    The replay value is outstanding.
    Quality is consistent all around. Good writing and art, as well as mostly bug-free.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games about. It has a lot of different paths and can be played many times with very different outcomes. I am sure I haven't seen half of the possible paths and I have played it more than most other games.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game very much. This game has many branches and you can go different paths. The game has quite big amount of the gameplay. Hand-drawn graphics makes this game different comparing to others. Developer provides monthly updates of the game.
    I suggest everyone to try this game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    my favorite game of all (and I did a lot ^^)
    beautiful design, we really have a different story selons our choices and the choices are so many!
    Really great work, congratulations to dev!
    I wait for the next updates impatiently, and I play the game since the 0.16
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Have been playing for a while now. It's pretty good, not gonna lie. It's so rare of me to like a game because I'm just so damn picky, but this was not bad at all. Except for the incest route, omg. I can't take that route. Bernard and Eric's dad, ugh no.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games on this site. Your choices really do matter, sometimes far into the game. Some of the choices have significant consequences too. Ashley's reaction to certain circumstances appears measured and realistic, and her personal exposition about life and how to live your life changes as her goodness or badness evolves.

    I do wish there were more opportunities to push back on drug content, however. It doesn't take more than doing coke a couple of times to get addicted and then she does coke literally with everything, with no option to say no, not this time. The drug content also seems to be limited to Cocaine, which is more addictive and expensive than other drugs. Why isn't marijuana in the game?
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is what Chloe 18 failed to be.

    No achievement hunt just to find some semblance of a story. No grinding for stats just to go and unlock a scene. No days upon days of nothing happening, because you have to grind for stats. Perfect amount of corruption, and one of the most interesting things is that it's written by a woman. The writing is no Waifu Academy or Depraved Awakenings, but it's far better than a lot games with a corruption style.

    A lot of characters are pretty likeable, although other than the landwhale and her friend, I don't really have any hate for a lot of the characters. It's amazing that this game isn't even at v1.0 yet, with the amount of content there. Art style, I get is an artistic choice, but I can only imagine how much things would be improved, if there was more shading.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Game version: [v1.2 Jasmin DLC]

    Sexy writing, lots of meaningful choices, gorgeous 2D art that conforms to your choices, the super rare female protagonist and plenty of my kinks checked off. It doesn't get much better than this game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very enjoyable experience, choices feel significant and enjoy the art style. Not perfect and I'd prefer to see a proper bimbo path at some point, but on the whole I find little to fault with Good Girl Gone Bad.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    one of my fav games to be honest the content and diffrent ways the story can go its just amazing its like every choice makes something trualy diffrent and i love the art style and the setting of the whole game great job Evakiss :)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I played v 0.18 a lot...

    I did 3 blind playthroughs. All of them felt different and rewarding no matter how many good or bad points I had. This game is full of sex scenes and I liked each of them.

    I like the story and I care for most of the characters.

    I like the art style (except the hands...). Not the prettiest I've seen, but it is pretty good and unique.

    I like to be an asshole in Video games(I ate a baby, once)and I still felt bad about what I did to Iris.

    I would have liked to choose more than the first outfit, but they're forced on you based on the other choices you make. Most of them are good, but I hate printed leopard...

    The thing I dislike the most about this game is how sometimes, I'm forced into a choice, although another choice available in a previous playthrough would have made sense...It only happened 3 or 4 times and wasn't that frustrating.

    This game is definitely in my top 5 +18 VN...

    Edit: I've played 0.21 and the game only gets better. The only true con of this game is that the game is not finished...
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Deserves a spot on the "most popular" list.

    Many good characters and story lines.
    Lots of nice callbacks to choices made earlier as you play through.
    Not hard to avoid the content you don't want.

    Biggest weakness:
    Some of the restrictions (wearing certain outfits, having certain options available, etc.) have artificial requirements that encourage meta-gaming (or using the console), especially early on.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game have unique artwork and many possibility.
    Player will not satisfy with playing this game only once time, they must play it repeatedly to see all possibility.
    Why don't sell this game on the Stream Store. I'm sure it gonna be one of the best adult game of all time in the Stream Store.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Updated preview: Very sraightforward game without any gameplay element, focusing instead on making some great characters and impactful choices trough the story. This game is doing a lot of things very well but the 2 most noticeable are the lewd scenes: they are pretty much the best i've seen for the genre. 2nd, The story and the choices you can make: the progression of the character depends completely on them and it's actually some true meaninfull choices, not just a stupid " yes/no" to hide or show lewd content.

    That being said, the game is lacking different locations. After many updates I can't explain why we are keep seing the exact sames backgrounds again and again, it's kinda boring. It feels like Eva is more and more lazy with the content the closer the game is coming to the end. Many sex scenes are looking like a perfect copy/paste of previous ones (especially the jack/Eva ones) some other scenes are just recycled content from others routes being re-used (Bad ash arthur scenes being re-used later in good ash arthur route).

    Still a good game overall and the strenghts are still here, but I wich Eva was more focused on making some new original content instead of chasing who is posted the latest alpha like a mad-girl. ;)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The best adult game, ever made. No arguing about it.

    Multiple story lines, character development, replay value, drawings, sub plots, chemistry between the characters, you name it, this game got it.

    Its not just a mindless adult game you play just to fap, you get a satisfaction when you achieved the adult scene, the choices you make matters and every choice you make, you will feel what would have happened if I made a different choice. That's why this game is the best adult game ever made.

    I really wish this game's developer makes a game like "Game of thrones". This person got real skills in writing a great story and should use those abilities in making an epic adult game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is such a awesome game, because your decisions really matter. You get whole unique and different experiences out of you play.

    Combined with a unique artstyle and great writing, you get easily one if not the best game currently playable.

    It is not finished, but I hope that this will continue forever, because even after 2,5 playthroughs I still enjoy it.

    This is a must-play!

    Edit: With 1.0 Alpha, this is coming to an end. And it is a "good" ending, because there are several endings with different combinations of endings for every main character in the game. I played this game so much ... probably 20+ playthroughs at least.

    In my personal rating it is a 10/10 - and the only one. And I have played and rated (currently) over 500 games. For every player that dont dislike to play a female protagonis and is at least somewhat into corruption games, this is a must play ... and play it at least 2-3 times to get a glimps of the different branches.