Q: Actually i got a question that is not really related to the current project. In one post you said after this project you would like to think about doing something in a fantasy world. Are there yet any ideas you have that you want to add? Will you keep the current good and bad system/will the game also be a corrruption game?
A: The fantasy thing i talked about would be a non-porn game. It's my dream project but I know it would probably be a while until I can make it, because it wouldn't get nearly as much support as this one. So probably my next game will also be an erotic one, set in the real, contemporary world, and I have some idea of what's going to be already. Creating a fantasy game would require a lot of effort in the art department, creating rich and original backgrounds, designing interesting characters, depicting epic scenes... And I would like to add some sort of narrative driven combat system, so it would be a lot more complex programming-wise (adding some basic stats and inventory, etc). Creating all those systems and detailing the the world and then having the game be about sex would make those shallow dressing for a porn experience. And the plot would have to bend to center around the sex scenes.