I just don't see how it gets finished by April, not a single ending has been tied up yet (well except the one which ends in death), and there are a decent number to be done, that would just be two more updates which doesn't seem like enough time unless they somehow get significantly more done than they have in the average month, which seems unreasonable. While all the endings seem very close indeed they still all have to get over that final step, I assume we will start to see some closed in the next couple updates, but I'd suspect an early summer finish.
With my Sunday post I didn't really mean to indicate a certain deadline for the end of the GGGB project, but rather inform all those who fantasized about further developments of this game (because they didn't know that it had reached its final phase) that there was no more time for that and maybe, at the same time, stimulate the discussion about its possible endings.
Regarding the date I have indicated for the end of GGGB, you can't fail to note that the fact of having disseminated my post of adverbs of certainty (probably, maybe,?) express my uncertainty about the timing of this conclusion and therefore, although referring to what was announced in that post of October 21, 2018, it's just my hypothesis.
I've never been an EvaKiss' patron so I don't know if things have changed since then and if she has decided to further develop her game for some more updates, but since it seems to me that on this thread nobody has informed us of such change, I limit myself to making a simple calculation on the dates and updates that EvaKiss has given us so far.
However, whatever the date of this conclusion is, I agree with you that (unfortunately) this game is ending and that EvaKiss has already started to finish some game path.
To conclude, I'd like to clarify that I would like (as surely to many of you) that this game continued over and over to develop other paths and introduce new characters until it became, like some time ago
WRONGS said,
I mean, Evakiss did say that there's a definite ending, but the thing about GGGB is that's a bit like a porn soap opera... you can keep introducing new characters and storylines literally forever.
the soap opera of visual novels (certain narrative mechanisms of GGGB are already borrowed from this kind of TV show), however I understand that for EvaKiss it would be really probable to carry on its development (we are already at 156,291 lines of writing, 4,860 gaming images weighing almost 1.12 GB) and therefore she need an end.
Maybe even just to cut some paths that EvaKiss or her patrons believe are now concluded or lacking in interest.
Just as the farmers after the harvest prune their vines to regenerate the plants and leave only the most promising buds, it would be nice if EvaKiss made her project come back to life and, after cutting the dry branches, restarted with GGGB2...