VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Good Girl Gone Bad [v1.2 Jasmin DLC] [Eva Kiss]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best Corruption games, solid art and story. This dev is a legend. Wish more devs followed this format and actually finish a game before starting new one. Two thumbs up, highly recommended for fans of the genre!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    If you are looking for a massively branching game then you are home :)

    No other VN that I know off offers as much variety in choices and consequences, not just for yourself but your friends and family.
    Ashley's fate is extremely varied depending on your choices and so is her look

    A solid 5 forever, Eva Kiss made something special here
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best story I have played so far. But this story is too short. It would be great if there was a long story about Ashley's college, marriage or career. Graphics is not that great. Some animated sex scene would be great. But because of the great story plot its not that noticeable. Some sex sound would be great too.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Night Hacker

    This is one of those games I was reluctant to download due to the art style. I decided to give it a shot anyhow and I was very glad I did. It has an interesting story with quite a few paths you can take. You play a female protagonist which is refreshing all by itself. The replayability of this game is pretty big. I replayed it several times with different outcomes. More than I have seen in any other game to date. There's a wide variety of directions she can take, from very good, to very bad and everything in between. Well worth checking out, 5 out of 5 stars from me.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not usually into VNs. Some are alright but I like a bit of management (this game does have some very basic money management) and more freedom. GGGB, on the other hand, is a lot more than "alright". It's truly excellent.

    Whatever GGGB lacks vs. the games I usually go for it makes up in terms of branching paths and choices that really matter. It's an impressive feat that characters' lives can go in radically different directions based on your decisions and each one of them feels natural. Some changes are rapid, others slower, but they don't feel forced.

    The pacing of the story is spot on. Wherever you take the main character, the progress is gradual yet clear. Maybe it starts with a kiss in a club, it ends with you embroiled in a world of drugs and sex. Maybe you aim to be the good girl and the perfect daughter, and maybe someone really appreciates what a good daughter you can be.

    In many games it's a frustration that your choices leave you "locked out" of other character progressions. In GGGB it demands a replay. This is because you won't simply be searching to unlock a new scene or two, rather you will see a new story, a new side to people you thought you knew.

    Perhaps compared to a lot of games out there this one is somewhat vanilla in sexual content (maybe aside from the incest, which is trivially avoidable if it bothers you, and oh so embraceable if it doesn't), but for the sense of a character being truly corrupted I'm not sure I've played much else that touches it. Yes, their corruption might be more extreme, they might experience far wilder kinks, be subject to crazier circumstance, but here the corruption is so genuine that it more than rivals other stories of this nature. She really is a good girl, and she really does go bad.

    From a writing and story perspective, and when considering the number of possibilities and replay value, it's hard to see how a VN could be better executed. There will be personal tastes about the story, there'll be those who don't fully buy into the art style, but this should set the bar for what games like this can be.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Very reluctantly gave this a try as I really didn't like the art style. But boy am I glad I did. Incredible number of paths to go down and every one of them was worth exploring. Good pacing and variety of sex scenes and mostly good writing overall. Choices and consequences are done really well. I've gone through more playthroughs of this game than any other.

    I still wish the art style was cleaner and the sex scenes were animated but it remains one of my favorite games on the site. A must try title.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Cumalot Knight

    The first thing that catches your attention in this magnificent game is its graphic style, which moves away from the 3D renders that are sometimes too similar to each other. This has a unique style, totally different from the rest.

    From the point of view of the gameplay, the infinity of paths it allows stands out: if you want to stay faithful and "legal", you can do it and still enjoy intense sexual scenes; on the contrary, if you want to go down more perverse ways, the game also facilitates it.

    Another strong point is the characterization: although the game doesn't lose sight of its pornographic purposes, it doesn't forget that it's an interactive novel and, therefore, takes care of the motivations. Of course, all this within the margins imposed by the erotic genre (which makes it easier for certain behaviors that would be inconceivable in the real world to become natural here).

    In short, a game that allows to realize the fantasies of "perverting innocence" and, given the great variety of plots, has a great playability factor.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Julie Sky

    One of my first and favorite sex games. I like it so much, I love Ashley, the graphics in this game. I like everything, actually. Oh, no, I don't like something - that the game is over;)

    I also wish I could dress Ashley in different outfits more often, because that's what I love to do.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great, engaging story. Well written characters. Unique graphics (I usually prefer 3D renders, but here the graphic's style matches perfectly). Tons of non-obvious choices. One of the best porn games I have ever played.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    It's almost up to par with eroge developed by Japanese companies.

    - Good writing
    - Nice art
    - Sensual sex scenes

    - Choices don't feel impactful to the story.
    - Corruption happens too quickly.
    - Lack of customization choices.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible VN game!!

    Yes, there are no animations or 3D renders, but the artwork is still quite unique in its western style and very well done. Most importantly the story is absolutely incredible! This is one of those few games where the choices you make actually matter a lot and take the plot in a completely different direction. There's also tons of kinks to cover a lot of people out there, just check the tags.

    All in all this is a well done and quite deep game with hours of content if you want to see everything, or you can play once to your own preference and use the gallery mod for the rest.

    Don't let the art style discourage you, you'd be missing out on a rare game!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked this VN even if the style of the drawings was not very much the style i like most in art. They were too realistics for manga type, and not realistic enough for european drawing style.

    I also found that some art is repeated or not imaginative. I'm not saying there are few pictures, but rather that i would have loved more variety.

    The story is interesting and it has many routes. I played twice (with 1 more little derivation of my 2d playthrough) and i think there is many routes, choices etc. so the game is good for its playing time value.

    The characters are diversified enough (girls, guys, even trans) and the relationship is not too forced. Obviously full fantasies... but it's a porn VN so what to expect apart fantasies fetishes?

    Another thing i liked very much is the possibility to skip things i personaly hate (drugs) even when i thought i was "stuck"in a bad girl loop.

    I found the lack of control of the tatoos/xjobs/piercings a bit contrarying: i would have loved for example to have made bigger boobs or the clit piercing without the navel piercing. The tatoo was the most "control-able" in there as there are many moments in game i could correct previous non decision.
    What i found really weird was the impossibility for me to choose clothings. I liked the first clothing dress and normal outfit rather more appealing than the last (almost naked ones). I'm guessing that's because for me imagination of the body is more alluring than a naked body at first glance (and more appealing). Maybe the "good girl" version is more to my liking, i'll see when i play more on that.

    I'm not sure if it's my playthrough or the game, but no pregnancies.

    I will play other playthroughs because i'd like a "good girl" run and try to catch the trans woman who seems to have a hard life and i empathized with her.

    So i'd say: go for this game for the story, don't let the drawing' style blocks you.
    Likes: GaRbS
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: Please note that, despite everything I say in this review, I still gave it a 4* rating. You'll understand why.

    This game is... weird.
    It has a lot of elements that I dislike in a game. Mostly coming from technical issues, like some transitions being a bit off and/or disconnected, some moral dilemmas being too easily solved (thus being to shallow to be presented as "moral dilemmas"), in some scenes where I feel I should get an option towards the MC's action, I can't; and the "gone good" path didn't feel really rewarding to me.
    I understand that, due to how many paths you can take, the first problem is forgivable, but the others, not. At least not to me.
    "You're playing a corruption game, why would you want a 'gone good' path?" - Well, if the options are presented to me, why not try both? but at least, make both equally rewarding.

    So, why did I give it a 4* rating? The short answer is that, although a 4* not NEARLY represents what this game is, due to its flaws, 3* rating is way too low as well.

    And why do I think this game deserves a high rating despite my enjoyment being about a 2* - 3*?
    First of all, the freedom you have to decide which way to go (yes, I made clear before that I felt like some actions inside a scene felt locked, determining the way the MC acted without my input. In most VN's I don't really think as a problem, but in a game with such freedom as GGGB, this should be a given). But that doesn't take away the beauty and complexity the path mechanism is in this game, it feels HUGE and complete and you feel, every moment, that your choices really matter, not only to view an extra scene, but to shape the entire story.
    That is freaking awesome.

    The characters. They all feel unique. Yes, the way that everyone seems instantly attracted to the MC bothers me a little, but despite that, every single one you met feels unique and have their own agendas (well, besides wanting to get laid with the MC at some point. To her, it is all too easy) But they are really, really enjoyable and you get to like pretty much everyone (not in the sense of liking every character - not you, Eric. You're poorly developed -, but even if you get to dislike someone, it feels intended)

    The art style. Yea, some people may regard this as the weak point of GGGB, but I think it was really unique. At first I thought it was plain BAD, at it was hard for me to get into the game and give it a try, but the more I played, the more I enjoyed the art style and its simplicity.

    In the end, do I think it's worth to take a time to play it? Absolutely.
    This game seems to me one of the absolute best games of that niche (not only corruption, but on games you have that much freedom of choices and shaping your path)

    Does this game have flaws? Yes, many. Did I really enjoy playing it? Not so much. But don't take my enjoyment into consideration. I've enjoyed games WAY worse than GGGB.

    This game is a gem and should be treated as such. Give it a try, you'll most likely not regret.

    PS: It bothers me that the 4* rating equates to "Good", by the way. I think this game is truly excellent, but when I don't have anything above excellent to give to what I would call a masterpiece of a game, I also can't give excellent to GGGB.
    Likes: GaRbS
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best Adult Game for branching paths, and meaningful choices I have ever seen, and still in my top 5 Adult games of all time.
    Have fully played through 3 times, and still not seen nearly all of the content.
    I highly recommend the Father/Daughter path, as that was my favorite. Don't see the Ipatch anymore, and if that went away, it's very sad. :cry:
    She can be pretty much whoever you want her to be, Angel, or Devil, or something in between.
    Also fantastic game for players who want a pure Lesbo option, as that is here as well.
    Just a really great game, and thought I'd give it a plug, not that it needs it. ;)
    Minor downer of no animations, or sexy sounds in the lewd scenes, but it's an older game, and still gets the job done. (y)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games out there! Respect for the developer for creating such good art and having it all drawn out. I think drawn games sometimes look a lot better than 3d, becaus it looks more clear.

    The story of this game is good too, really nasty and it does honor to the Title of the game.

    I hope the Dev keeps puting out games like this!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome. Scenario is good, there are so much different roads, texts are great, drawing is nice. I love this game......
    So i suggest it to play. I hope there will be more games like this. GJ EVA!!!!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    GGGB is a good game that has pretty renders and an okay story. The big thing with this game is the number of choices the player can choose from. There's plenty of ways to play this game and that is refreshing!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is in my top three VN's. It's replayable as well. I find myself trying to get all the endings... but, also just skipping and choosing different ones at random. I love the art and this one has kind of been my scale to judge all other VN's by. Will be starting the creators follow up very soon.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a better thought out and more rewarding morality mechanic than RDR2. (two hundred characters was more of a commitment than I originally meant to take on when I attempted to give this game a quick 5 stars. So here we are simply occupying space.)
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Peter the Great

    A VN with more than a couple choices!? Heresy!
    great game with great characters and simple but fun gameplay. plays out like a standard VN but is much better in every other aspect. This should have an rpg tag because it sure is a fantastic rpg.