In my main route, the one i call my canon route, my Ash is mostly a good girl, she only kissed jack and eva once, and did have sexy times with Jess once too. But has massive bad girl points, mostly because in the route i have her going for Arthur.
This update has been awesome. The weekend was amazing, and i make her going with arthur to get money since the beginning, and i liked how she is mostly a good girl with everyone, but is getting more and more corrupted with Arthur.
So, with the weekend being insanely hot i was in heaven, but the fact that you could get her to fall in a less obvious way, choosing to ask for gifts before the sex, and then when Arthur ask you what do you want, choosing make you cum instead of the car or money was the cheerry in the cake. That makes my Ash so fallen into it that when se is in the middle of things, she wont ask for conpensation.
I hope that future updates will expand on that. Because my Ash will keep asking for money from Arthur before doing anything, but i like the idea of Arthur corrupting her so much that in the end she will ask for nothing and will tho all kind of things for free(but arthur would keep buying her dresses, underwear, piercings and tatoos of course XD)