The game runs from anywhere, saves are in Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Goodbye Eternity\Where is the game installed? Where is the save folder?
No, it just needs to be newer. You should be able to run it on a 1030 or something equally shitty, as long as the architecture supports Vulkan. I think technically a 750ti should be capable.Did this game always recommend a gtx 960 or above? Seems a bit unnecessary, that card is capable of playing modern AAA 3D games.
it's not a virus, it's just unsigned.exe file. Windows tag it as a potential VIRUS.
Do what you want, but I wouldn't recommend anyone to run this.
I really like the game but im too broke i will support soon after save some $ and learn how to purchase onlineIf you want the game please buy it.
This game is one of the few top-notch games out there that constantly gets updated and from an early start completed several character routes.
Please support this dev.
Huh... My ryzen 3 3200g integrated graphics loves a challengeThe Engine has changed from Ren'Py to Godot. The new engine **requires Vulkan support**. For PCs, it means having a GPU that is newer than GTX 700 series, and for smartphones it means having Android 10 or above. More information about recommended specs below in **Modified**. As such, saves made during 0.8.1 and earlier versions will **not** work. This engine is not a final version, and has some missing features that will come back at a later point in time. However, saves **will stay compatible between versions**, unless major corruptions occur. Some crashes are known to occur, especially when changing scenes. This will be solved at a later point in time, so this release could still be released. As such, **make sure you save frequently**. The skip text feature increases the crashing probabilities.