no matter how much RNGeusEX struggles those CGs will be ripped by skilled rippers and slapped on every hentai site.
I hope he enjoys his vain struggle and lost sales.
He's not even trying to stop people being able to rip stuff. He could have encrypted the release, it's a tickbox option when exporting in Godot, and he didn't bother. And yeah that would only slow people down at best but it's still an extra hoop to jump through he decided against. And tbh you don't use a normal release build of an open source engine if your goal is to make things hard work for people to mod/hack/rip...
I probably shouldn't say this because you lot are like rabbid dogs with the impulse control of a hyperactive 5 year old on coke, and it's going to be at least a week before I even have a WIP I'm happy to share, but I'm going to be working on some tools for people to mod this and a modloader for people to easily use them. If y'all learn some patience there's a lot more potential here for mods, fan translations, etc than there ever was before.