Others - Goodbye Eternity [v0.10.3] [RNGeusEX]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the art style and characters. If there's anything to improve on is probably by having repeatable quests. Not sure. Love the game as it is though. Keep up the good work. I'll be sure to support you
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Positives: outstanding art and smooth animations. Aesthetically beautiful game all round including the UI. Even the backgrounds look great. It's an excellent depiction of classic anime character designs with the added benefit of uncensored art. The story is competent as well.

    Negatives: the game is a bit linear at the moment. I'm also not a fan of how useless the MC is at times where you can do nothing about it (mostly when he gets beaten up). But other than that he's fine.

    Overall: Goodbye Eternity can only go upwards as more content is added. The future prospects of this game is very healthy, because everything here is beautiful so far.


    Writing a new review on 22nd July 2024:

    Unfortunately the game has taken a clear dip in quality.

    The Version 0.9 Noriko Femdom route that was promised was not given. Or rather, the developer has intentionally sabotaged the femdom in the route and Noriko's disposition in it because that was their "vision".

    I say intentionally because all you have to do is look at the beginning of Noriko's femdom route and compare the material to the new update that was enlisted on June 2024. It's night and day.

    (Version 0.9) Noriko's Femdom Route objectively isn't femdom. No matter how much the developer stubbornly tries to pitch their angle at what femdom is.

    Story is weaker than I remember, now that I think about it most of the MC's decisions do not make sense and complicates the challenges for no real reason.

    Art is still beautiful and the animations are great, but I can't help but feel that the soul of the game has diminished with Noriko's weak routes - given how important a character she is I am disappointed at how her character has been handled.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not a guy who usually writes reviews , but man this game is damn good . It has less content now but seeing the story so far and the various future prospects it can have is great .

    ART : 8.5/10 - Very good art , for the characters . Though not the best (Compared to games which only focus on good art)

    Story : 7/10 - Nice story , felt it was pretty basic . but seeing bits such as Macumba getting arrested , his best frnds sister situation and likely death of the tomgirl in his flash back . The Final story if executed in the same pace will be 9/10

    Characters 8/10 : I just feel i need more of each characters content to come on a score for this but this is just my expectant score

    Overall 9/10 : Overall the execution is very well done , I haven't enjoyed playing a visual novel like i did for this for a while , each aspect is done aiming for the best that we can see clearly in the game
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is so good I pulled an all-nighter playing it despite feeling like shit because of Covid. The art is top-tier, the story is engaging, the characters are likable (save for the assholes you're meant to hate), and holy shit that MILF is hot as fuck!

    PS: Macumba best bro
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty nice R18+ game with impact choices on your next outcome, great character design and the animation really smooth if only they add more details it will become more smooth and good

    I hope this game will come out success and adding ENG and JP Voice Actors too.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game. Good plot, interesting characters, with a lot of room for improvement. Sex scenes are hot and very fluid. Can´t wait for new updates.

    Only thing I don´t like is there are not so much to do in the main story, Dojo place, for example, is quite useless yet.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    It has one of the best art and designs I've ever seen, I'll rate it so high even though it's lacking in content although it has a lot of potential
    -art: 9/10 realistically proportioned bodies and beautiful use of color in locations
    -story: 7/10 pretty simple, they need money
    characters: 8/10 normal but well built although they are under development
    -+18: 9/10 excellent scenes with animation and good scenes, more development is needed and the possibility of varying them but otherwise very good
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Stunningly beautiful artwork, very sexy animations. I cannot wait for this game to be completed and more stuff to be added. I'm not normally a fan of japanese hentai-style games, but this one is a knockout!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games in this page in my opinion.

    Whenever i find a game like this i always wonder the same thing: "How comes i didnt find this game earlier?!"

    The premise is not new at all, i mean this kind of story has been seen in a lot of animes/manga, but the female characters are so freaking cute, the writting in the game is so fun and well done, and also the main character is a cool guy, very easy to like.

    At the moment i am loving it and i wish the programmer best of luck.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the BEST porn games I've ever played animations were smooth and were pleasing to the eyes, the story and multiple choices were amazing and this game has some most likable and unlikable side characters in any porn game I've ever played and I wish I could I could give a higher rating to this game
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    It's... fine? Honestly besides the fantastic artwork, there's not a ton of merit to this one.

    The writing is by far the weakest thing about the game. It's just a generic story about a guy dying and going back in time to fix his mistakes. All the characters are your standard tropes barring maybe Macumba and they're all pretty one-note. They each have a problem and MC has to fix it because apparently women can't ever fix their own problems and make the worst decisions. Obviously that isn't what the dev intended but when MC has to do EVERYTHING for them, lest they become whores or commit suicide, it... gets a little weird honestly.

    It could've been a lot better if some person actually showed initiative to better their situation and helped out MC for reasons other than one time (which was a Yandere plot device). Maybe have a lesson that MC opening up to others allows him to actually be at his best to help others while being good for his own well-being? I mean part of the reason everything went to shit in his original life is because he just kept to himself all the time so it fits and it would also make the girls actually feel like they care about MC and aren't just completely useless.

    If the girls feeling like one-dimensional excuses to make a porn game wasn't enough, every male character in the game besides Macumba is a complete piece of shit. It's... very weird seeing this because the dev obviously takes great care to adhere to Japanese culture but they're almost never this outwardly aggressive and scummy. It's not even explained why they're like this either, which makes the whole experience feel even more hollow. Give me a reason why they act like this. Make them at least redeemable in ONE way. Give the characters in general at least a little charm or appeal as characters. Give Yasuka at least one unappealing trait to make her feel like a person besides "doting milf with anime mom hair". Give Noriko some good qualities so she isn't just "bitchy abusive tsundere". Give Asami some trait other than "delicious brown tomboy with tanlines". Christ, even fan-favorite Macumba is too one-note.

    The simple act of making the characters actually seem like people rather than cardboard cutouts would help IMMENSELY. Give me a reason to care about them. Let me get close to them and spend meaningful time with them. The game desperately needs more fluff scenes like playing games and chilling with Asami.

    Hollow is actually the perfect way to describe this game. It has a beautiful surface in almost every way. Art is top tier, music is good, UI is nice, but at the end of the day, the meat of any Visual Novel is its writing. Yet, there's no meat here. There's no interesting characters, no intriguing plot, nor even a real lesson besides "take control of your life".

    As a first draft this would've been understandable, but that's not what this is. The characters need heavy revision because they're all just cardboard cutouts to make MC look good or have sex with. It really is a shame that the writing can't keep up with the quality of every other aspect of the game.

    If the dev actually manages to make the girls and MC more compelling going forward, I wouldn't be opposed to giving this four or even five stars. I actually like the game and am a sucker for a lot of the characters *cough*asamiandyasuka*cough*. It's just that I can't really care for them past "wow they're fucking hot and I really like their character archetypes", which doesn't really fly for this game because it's obvious you're supposed to care for the girls when all the focus is on them and their troubles.

    Genuinely sad I couldn't give this a higher star rating. There's a lot of potential here still, it's just untapped. Keep this one on your radar.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Gameplay itself felt like pure filler between scenes. I'd rather if it were more back-to-back. Otherwise, the art is great and I like the characters. Clicking around everywhere is a bit annoying, and some scenes are a bit disappointing. I do miss old Natsume and Chiaki, especially now that Steam's out.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Such a shame...

    Art is over the top. You can feel the hard work dev is putting in.

    Story is anxiety fest. But in the end everything is a nothing burger.

    MC is a spineless loser whom is turning his life around. But the progress has been so fucking slow, it kills your motivation to continue.

    Nearly every character is a piece of shit. Some change their ways. Some keep being an eye sore.

    Sandbox elements aren't a turnoff but there is not much sand here, YET.
    So i would take my time before playing this again. Maybe nearing its end idk.

    Story is all over the place. Shit happens sometimes so fast, with no explaination. And sometimes you expect something to happen but nothing changes.

    Its been a while but the game is still on its early stage, so it makes you wander around aimlessly. It gets boring quite fast.

    But lets see how this journey ends. Maybe next year.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly this is a really solid package and well worth the time and admission price if you get it through Patreon. Good art, good writing, decent branching paths and pretty good characters (Macumba being obviously the best one) hell, even the MC has some personality going for him which is something really rare in hentai VNs. My only real criticisms would be that:

    1.- The placements of the secret stashes are kinda arbitrary and nonsensical sometimes so trying to get them all quickly turns into you frustratingly clicking every pixel on your screen.
    2.- The whole stats system is completely useless and honestly feels like wasted potential for some fallout-esque skill checks on dialogue and routes which would fit perfectly into this whole "you got one try so make the most of it" feel that the game is going for.
    3.- There's no incentive to keep playing even a minute after you complete the main story (which, again, is pretty linear despite what the game tells you) money is completely useless with no shops or things like that to be seen, no unlockable scenes or even dialogue after the credits roll and even the cheats that you unlock after getting all the stashes feel pretty underwhelming.
    4.- Gameplay gets a bit repetitive after a while, I know it's a VN but if you're gonna put some days in between story sections where you only go to work and skip the rest of the day (which I understand is done for the sake of pacing) I think it wouldn't hurt to add a bit of something there, I don't ask for any mini games or such since I'm well aware of the limitations of renpy as an engine but maybe some dialogue or little inconsequential scenes in the restaurant or with other characters in other places, just something that will keep monotony at bay.

    But besides my somewhat petty grievances I think this game is good, specially considering it still is on it's v0.6 release and it's pretty hefty in terms of content for the first and second time around so I'm really excited to see the direction it goes next (specially looking forward to Natsume's and Chiaki's routes) so, kudos to you dev!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    story is good. characters are good. different paths are good. But the most good thing is drawings. Its so warm and hot at the same time! My eyes feel joy, as well as my 3rd eye (not joking). Music is good. Played it on android and pc, no problems anywhere, no buggs. I just wish to have more to play sooner!
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing, hands down one of the best. It's not perfect, but it's close.

    -Stories/Routes (This one is more subjective, but it's good enough to be put here)

    -Drama (It can be cliche sometime)

    Minor Con:
    -Unlocking Route (Sometime unlocking a route can be confusing, but it's a minor thing really)

    This game is worth your time. If you love drama, harem, and/or a story where it seems like the world (or the people around you) is going against you, then you'll like this, if not at least enjoy it.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    A game with excellent art and good potential.

    Art wise, really good. Probably some of the best 2d animations I've seen, and the static drawings are very good as well. The backgrounds and great and the world map also feels much more dynamic than most games.

    As of 0.6.1 there is a fair amount of content but there's quite a bit of clicking around with nothing happening, or just skipping time because there seems to be nothing to do. This will likely change once more of the characters' interactions are added.

    In terms of the story, I can see the potential for something good, although the signals seem to be very much in the vein of corruption, although it does seem possible to avoid if you want to.

    The introduction is very abrupt. Start the game, get a couple of lines of text, and you're in a sandbox. It would be nice if there was some more significant introduction at the start.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Let’s start with the obvious, the game is beautiful, and not only the characters, but the backgrounds and interface is too... so if you care only about that... go ahead and enjoy ;)

    Now about the deal breaker…


    OK, OK… Let me explain… :ROFLMAO: I'm not an incest afficionado, but much like that famous game with father’s debt that had to be censored cuz of Patreon, the story doesn’t make much sense without it, since it seems like it was built around it.

    I may sound like a broken record as some people probably pointed it out, but the game “flirts” around incest too much and takes a HUGE hit cuz it tries to make them closer than strangers, but without any prior relation...

    Living for free with another COMPLETELY UNRELATED altruist single mother that assumed responsibility for you AND your father’s debt because of reasons!!!? F.F.S.! :mad:

    Sry but my suspension of disbelief is not that high :ROFLMAO:

    That's kinda sad cuz i liked the art :cry:
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Extra life is a great project filled with passion. Multiple routes planned for multiple characters, lots of choices and beautifully animated scenes. On top of that great music distinguishes this game. Although new music isn't as good as the old one it's still way better than most games. I'm hoping for way more content in the future (especially more Noriko).
    Art 4.5/5
    Story - 4.5/5
    Gameplay 4.5/5
    Fapability 5/5
    Originality 5/5
    Music 6/5 (old) 5/5 (new)
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't think I've ever experienced a higher level of discrepancy between the quality of the art and... well, everything else.

    Every scene has an outline of immediately recognizable fetishism to it yet the absolutely braindead nature of the writing and dialogue and the pitiful amount of effort put into characterization drains them of all the possible eroticism.

    The art is glossy and nice to look at but everything else isn't even an afterthought -- it's significantly worse than that.

    Really, not much else to say about this game. An utterly hollow experience.