It's... fine? Honestly besides the fantastic artwork, there's not a ton of merit to this one.
The writing is by far the weakest thing about the game. It's just a generic story about a guy dying and going back in time to fix his mistakes. All the characters are your standard tropes barring maybe Macumba and they're all pretty one-note. They each have a problem and MC has to fix it because apparently women can't ever fix their own problems and make the worst decisions. Obviously that isn't what the dev intended but when MC has to do EVERYTHING for them, lest they become whores or commit suicide, it... gets a little weird honestly.
It could've been a lot better if some person actually showed initiative to better their situation and helped out MC for reasons other than one time (which was a Yandere plot device). Maybe have a lesson that MC opening up to others allows him to actually be at his best to help others while being good for his own well-being? I mean part of the reason everything went to shit in his original life is because he just kept to himself all the time so it fits and it would also make the girls actually feel like they care about MC and aren't just completely useless.
If the girls feeling like one-dimensional excuses to make a porn game wasn't enough, every male character in the game besides Macumba is a complete piece of shit. It's... very weird seeing this because the dev obviously takes great care to adhere to Japanese culture but they're almost never this outwardly aggressive and scummy. It's not even explained why they're like this either, which makes the whole experience feel even more hollow. Give me a reason why they act like this. Make them at least redeemable in ONE way. Give the characters in general at least a little charm or appeal as characters. Give Yasuka at least one unappealing trait to make her feel like a person besides "doting milf with anime mom hair". Give Noriko some good qualities so she isn't just "bitchy abusive tsundere". Give Asami some trait other than "delicious brown tomboy with tanlines". Christ, even fan-favorite Macumba is too one-note.
The simple act of making the characters actually seem like people rather than cardboard cutouts would help IMMENSELY. Give me a reason to care about them. Let me get close to them and spend meaningful time with them. The game desperately needs more fluff scenes like playing games and chilling with Asami.
Hollow is actually the perfect way to describe this game. It has a beautiful surface in almost every way. Art is top tier, music is good, UI is nice, but at the end of the day, the meat of any Visual Novel is its writing. Yet, there's no meat here. There's no interesting characters, no intriguing plot, nor even a real lesson besides "take control of your life".
As a first draft this would've been understandable, but that's not what this is. The characters need heavy revision because they're all just cardboard cutouts to make MC look good or have sex with. It really is a shame that the writing can't keep up with the quality of every other aspect of the game.
If the dev actually manages to make the girls and MC more compelling going forward, I wouldn't be opposed to giving this four or even five stars. I actually like the game and am a sucker for a lot of the characters *cough*asamiandyasuka*cough*. It's just that I can't really care for them past "wow they're fucking hot and I really like their character archetypes", which doesn't really fly for this game because it's obvious you're supposed to care for the girls when all the focus is on them and their troubles.
Genuinely sad I couldn't give this a higher star rating. There's a lot of potential here still, it's just untapped. Keep this one on your radar.