Giving this game a rating was a bit weird for me.
On one hand the designs of the cast, the art and the animations are great and are worth it for this alone.
On the other hand there's everything else.
Like many games on this site the writer has no knowledge of how to write sex scenes and rely pretty much entirely on the art to make them satisfying. There's very little attempt to describe anything that's happening in a sexy way - or in any way for that matter - and so they are often over before you know it. Words are sexy, people! If I wanted to just watch sexy art I'd go to rule34!
As for the rest of the writing, it really does feel like something an edgy teen would write. Sort of a depressing revenge plot that makes no sense with people dedicating far too much effort to ruin the life of a single loser. Although unlike other stories of this kind it never really gives you this satisfying moment where you win against the bad guys and stop being a loser. It's more like your girlfriends and chad friend do it for you. So you're still a loser, but the girls find it endearing.. I guess.
Lastly the "gameplay". There's no reason this game needs to be a sandbox experience. It offers nothing. All missions happen in an order, you can't do multiple paths of multiple LI's at the same time. Both the stats and money are there for specific points in the story and since there's only one quest at any given time, once you reach a roadblock there's nothing to do beside grinding what ever it is you need. This game would have been massively improved as a simple visual novel experience. At least it would reduce the amount of unneccesary clicking around.
Side note: The sister. Saying her story makes 0 sense is a massive understatment. She abuses us to an insane degree, but it's all for our sake? She wishes you were dead because you contribute nothing financially to your hurting mother, but she wastes thousands of Yen in order to have you beaten up? I was seriously dying to know what it was that our character did to make her hate us so much and how we would redeem ourselves, it was the only interesting part of the game for me. And if there was no reason, how are we gonna punish her for all this abuse. But the payoff is so insanely lame it made the whole game feel like a bigger waste of time then it already was.
On one hand the designs of the cast, the art and the animations are great and are worth it for this alone.
On the other hand there's everything else.
Like many games on this site the writer has no knowledge of how to write sex scenes and rely pretty much entirely on the art to make them satisfying. There's very little attempt to describe anything that's happening in a sexy way - or in any way for that matter - and so they are often over before you know it. Words are sexy, people! If I wanted to just watch sexy art I'd go to rule34!
As for the rest of the writing, it really does feel like something an edgy teen would write. Sort of a depressing revenge plot that makes no sense with people dedicating far too much effort to ruin the life of a single loser. Although unlike other stories of this kind it never really gives you this satisfying moment where you win against the bad guys and stop being a loser. It's more like your girlfriends and chad friend do it for you. So you're still a loser, but the girls find it endearing.. I guess.
Lastly the "gameplay". There's no reason this game needs to be a sandbox experience. It offers nothing. All missions happen in an order, you can't do multiple paths of multiple LI's at the same time. Both the stats and money are there for specific points in the story and since there's only one quest at any given time, once you reach a roadblock there's nothing to do beside grinding what ever it is you need. This game would have been massively improved as a simple visual novel experience. At least it would reduce the amount of unneccesary clicking around.
Side note: The sister. Saying her story makes 0 sense is a massive understatment. She abuses us to an insane degree, but it's all for our sake? She wishes you were dead because you contribute nothing financially to your hurting mother, but she wastes thousands of Yen in order to have you beaten up? I was seriously dying to know what it was that our character did to make her hate us so much and how we would redeem ourselves, it was the only interesting part of the game for me. And if there was no reason, how are we gonna punish her for all this abuse. But the payoff is so insanely lame it made the whole game feel like a bigger waste of time then it already was.