I'm conflicted because having a nice balance of girls dtf and those wanting to wait a while is nice, but lets not forget Nana isn't a young woman anymore and in addition to going decades without lovin', it will be nice to get her back into enjoying all the lovemaking she's missed out on.
That said, I can appreciate the slow burn and seeing her begin to fantasize and become aroused around the MC while struggling to keep her emotions in check would be a nice trade-off. Maybe her becoming more comfortable being physically affectionate with all the kissing and hugging, which has been very obvious to Amy...will go a long ways to getting to where we all are patiently waiting for.
In the meantime, we have other lovers who have also gone without for quite some time, I'm guessing we'll get to Liz sooner than later...fingers crossed, in addition to reaffirming our romantic relationship with Cat. My only question is if Amy will go back on tour again and leave, or if she'll actually decide to get off the road for a bit, and maybe explore her feelings for the MC?