VN - Ren'Py - Grandma's House [Part 4 v0.66] [Moonbox]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    How would i describe this game?
    slice of life without any sort of overarching plot, a safe space to almost any level of insecurity (the telephone pole between the mc legs might make some feel inadequate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ), the mc is the center of the universe and there's no sense of tension anywhere, which is not a bad thing per se.

    - dev is very consistent with updates.
    - there is a plethora of optional kinks.
    - graphics and models look fine, development speed and quality images > animation.

    - my biggest gripe with this is the writing, things get monotonous after a while, way too much cuddle time and characters gushing over each other and nothing noteworthy happening.
    - WAY too many girls, time with each of them get's very fragmented, and that detracts from any sense of progression with each.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The dev is great, frequent updates, very upfront, just generally a great guy but the concept of the game is very flawed.

    As others have stated, this game is basically just a string of rendered sex scenes connected with some text. Not really a plot, not really romance or a story, not really a game.

    At some point you just lose any immersion and just watch these renders barely registering what they're about.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Edited: Played until part 3 and dropped.
    Too repetitive. Maybe when it’s finished, I’ll try to play it till the end.

    Story: 1 out of 5

    Harem fuck fest, that’s it.

    Characters: 4 out of 5

    One of the good things in this game is that there’s a girl for every taste, and that’s certainly the most positive aspect. The only downside FOR ME is, of course, the unavoidable LIs.

    Art: 3 out of 5

    The renders are good. If the developer didn’t release two updates a month, they could be better.

    The only bad thing is that it doesn’t have animations. In my opinion, it has too much lewd content not to have any animations it becomes quite repetitive.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The developer is nice and helps the community by answering questions and such. He was also (briefly) working on this game for free which is commendable.
    The updates are also relatively frequent.

    So the plot is much talked about and regarded as the weakpoint. Now the game aint hiding this, not much effort is put into this aspect, it aint trying to be some sort of Spielberg masterpiece here.

    But here's the deal, and something a lot of this game's fans seem to ignore. Some of the other harem fuckathon games do a much better job at developing a plot than this VN.
    Idk why people are acting like 'oh its harem, its doesn't need a plot, just gimme a new daz model to fuck in the update'. That isn't true, there are other harem titles that have better stories, something to look forward to, establishes a goal or something for the MC to uncover. Here... there just seems to be nothing to look forward to (except NANA sex scene I guess). I've played quite a few updates and I never thought to myself 'wow I cant wait to see what happens next'. Its purely a string of sex scenes presented as a game. MC is getting quick, easy, and frequent pussy at the expense of proper character development.

    The renders are okay but not that good. But at the very least they're numerous, but don't expect high quality, detailed renders like some of the newer competition. Overall, everything about this game screams quantity over quality. But hey, if its working formula then the dev should stick to it. But in a review, we have to be subjective and call out a game's weaknesses.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I felt the need to write a brief review of the game after seeing these recent low ratings which pretty much all go on about the story going downhill and it being a fuck-fest.

    Well news flash to you guys, this game has NEVER had an overarching story and was never supposed to, and it's always been a full fledged porn game that doesn't take itself very seriously. People are reviewing this game and rating it low based on an element of the game that never existed to begin with, instead of reviewing it for what it is, a porn game full of sex and absurd moments and hilarities.

    Now to get into my own review- Grandma's House is a game I've played all the way back since part one and have loved ever since. The charm of this game for me has always been the cast of characters, and both the wholesome and absurd moments they share together.

    The game has had some somewhat dramatic moments, but they are far and few between. It focuses more on the light-hearted, family and relationships aspect. And of course there's no shortage of sex, more-so now than at the very beginning because guess what... the relationships developed further and the main character met more women as time went on. So of course there's more sex now compared to part one.

    The game is hilarious at times (even the latest update had me cracking up), and it's wholesome most of the time. Also the cast of characters and the relationships you build with them, and the variety in their personalities and all the different optional kinks you get to explore with them is amazing.

    That's another big reason I love this game, there are so many different flavors of women and kinks, pretty much everyone will find what they enjoy. On top of that, mostly everything is optional, excluding the family who are unavoidable which I personally don't mind.

    Amazing game, I highly recommend to anyone who wants a game that doesn't take itself too seriously, and is largely focused on wholesome lighthearted vibes, an amazing array of characters, and tons of sex. If you're here for story, you should probably look elsewhere. :D
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Since at least the last 10 updates (release 0.43 now), this VN is no longer what it used to be, to my biggest disappointment. It used to be funny, surprising, with some cute moments and even some drama. Now it’s only one sex scene after another, there is no story anymore, zero, nada, zip. The MC wakes up, fucks one of his girls (or even up to 5), goes to work at the garage (the new excuse for more sex), goes back home, fucks another girl or more, and sleeps. Next day, same routine, just different girls. And as there is no animation at all, even the sex scenes get quickly boring and dull.

    Wake up @MoonBox ! Look back at your first 20 releases and get us out of our boredom with some exciting new content where the MC is not just fucking like a rabbit with no life at all. Btw, the scene with Sandra and Megan just proves my point, it is so utterly ridiculous that it shouldn’t be in this VN, at least not the VN it used to be, because it’s now just a monotonous and sad fuck/cum fest. I know you are delaying the day when the MC will fuck his grandma for your own good reasons (I personally don’t really care when/if she will get some action), but come on, don’t fill the days between now and then with useless renders showing ONLY sex, give us something worth reading, you know that a good VN is never just about porn right? The MC is now a pathetic and lifeless fuck-toy, all the girls jump on his tool day after day, even when he sleeps, with absolutely no background, no story, and more importantly, no development.
    So 2/5 for the moment, hoping for a drastic change...

    Edit 1: it got slightly better since my initial review of release 0.43. Now release 0.56, and the humor is somewhat back, mainly thanks to the return of Amelia. The fuck/cum fest is still there, MC is still a fucktoy, but at least it’s not always boring like it used to be lately. And more importantly, we now have some enjoyable developments, like the relations with Liz and Jamila, which are getting stronger than ever. I also enjoy the fact that some women are getting some attention again, especially Natalia who deserves some love and lots of ‘cuddles’. 3/5 now and waiting for the next updates, maybe some drama or a cliffhanger would bring something good to this game which has been going on for too long without any real story.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good in a lot of ways. Particularly the kink side. Lots of kinks all optional nothing forced. The girls (mostly) look good aside from some fugly ones that you can of course pass over. The weakest part is definitely the writing and I've seen some other reviews say that the writing and story is basically just a filler to get to the good stuff and i'd agree. If you want some actual story to go along with your game you won't really find it here. If you wanna mindlessly bang some girls then welcome home.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually dont make reviews of unfinished products, BUT for this I´ll make an exception... Grandma´s House offers so much at its current stage and its updated so often it can stand on its own in such a competitive market as it is the Adult Game genre.

    Story: 1 Sleeping Banana out of 5
    Look, If you want a story full of deph and complex meaning, life-changing decisions and what not...Keep looking elsewhere, as you wont find it here, and its ok, this story doesnt pretend to be more than it is making the mistake of being too ambitious for its own good.
    The story, which is barely enough to understand who is who, is simple and that´s why it works so well.
    There´s comedy elements that work thanks to this, but this is an adult VN after all, so expect the unexpected.
    In one phrase: It just works (but I really mean it)

    Characters: 5 Adamant-Hard Bananas out of 5
    I think everyone´s taste is fulfilled: Tall, asian, black, blonde, mexican, readhead, milf, schoolgirl, midget, pregnant, dom. even a nun...I mean, just look at that picture in the post, almost everything on that picture is on the menu.
    Fem chars look good mostly, with a few exceptions that could actually get some plastic surgery done.
    Some degenerates are complaining about Grandma´s model looking too good and young...Damn some people are sick.
    About the MC...I have the crazy theory this chad is a viltrumite, because I cant justify in any other way his superhuman powers...This feller packs a weapon of mass destruction (with his own name) between his legs like its the most normal thing in the world.

    Mechanics: 4 Solid Bananas out of 5
    There´s no animations here, that serves to hasten each update´s arrival, which is appreciated, not everything needs to be super complex to deliver enjoyment.
    Renders can look a bit alien at certain times, like when a girl decides is a good idea to deepthroat a Tsar bomb, logically her jaw would dislocate while doing it...So theres nothing really unexpected, but girls look good overall, so dont worry and dont take it too seriously, if the game doesnt do it, why should you?, just enjoy it, hakuna Matata.
    There´s no complex decision making, theres no "your actions have consecuences" crap that almost never manages to deliver, there´s no minigames, there´s no "if you dont do this you´ll get cucked by your most loved one with your arch-nemesis" bullshit, there´s no free roam on a city map that isnt really free roam anyway...This is pure Adult-Power Fantasy.

    Content: 5 Adamant-Hard Bananas out of 5
    MC has a mission he manages to succesfully accomplish: Store his weapon of mass destruction in every silo he finds...Doesn't matter who that silo belongs to, if he wants to, he eventually will and there´s nothing anyone can do to prevent it.
    You can choose not do to certain actions if those kinks are not your cup of tea, but i´d say what the hell, variety is the spice of life.
    At the date of this review´s publication there are at least, two main fem characters that are resisting the MC´s advances, It was a great surprise, feels like there´s a little relationship development...You know that feeling when you want something but you cant have it inmediately and that makes you want it even more?, that exactly is happening here, and thats is a top-notch decision from Dev´s part.

    Ending: Pending - there´s no final yet.
    Either way, its safe to assume Grandma will require to add some rooms in her house for all those lovely ladies the MC is adding to his Fuckedex® .

    Dev has done a pretty good job so far, things can only get crazier in the future.
    Just to resume: Grandma´s House is fun, has a lot of content, a lot of kinks, a lot of girls, and due to its very low cerebral processing required to play it, even a baboon could enjoy the experience...Unless such baboon is some kind of Visual Novel Curator or something.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    As much as i love dramatic stories, clifhangers, big reveals, conspiracies and theories sometimes i just wanna kick back and chill, and this ladies and mostly gentlemen is exactly it. It updates often and you know what to expect, and you get what you expect . I play every update and some could say this is my guilty pleasure.

    P.S. MoonBox keep up the good work
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    All I can do is let you know what you’re in for: One of the LI has a banana allergy that makes her tits grow…

    … it… makes… her… tits… grow…

    So, it’s THAT kind of porn game. Almost all the women fall on the MC’s dick (except Nana as per page 1). He’s… DEFINITELY not a Beta male. His one “challenge” after a black belt breaks his nose ends in the MC throwing furniture at the guy for an instant knock-out and that’s that.

    And, weirdly as fuck, despite the maledom, femdom, watersports, cum-play, etc… it’s a… “wholesome” porn game. Fucking how? I dunno. But here we are.

    If you want a palate cleanser from all the “artiste” porn games that have themes, high art, delayed gratification, this is it. If you want great graphics, animations, deep characters, stay away.

    Oh, and -1 Star for no sex with Nana. Yes, it’s on page 1. I get it. I’ve assimilated the information. Doesn’t mean I like it. Solid 4 Star for me, though.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This is such a hard review for me, because there are two very strong competing forces in this game: the fantastic women, and the atrocious story.

    The women in this game? Amazing. In terms of diversity, visuals, the sex scenes, their personalities, great. Some people complain that there aren't animations, which I think is an absurd complaint when visually it looks great anyway. If that's your reasoning to give ONE star, you've got a hole in your head. The level of scope is fantastic. Teens, MILFs, GILFs, skinny, thicc, white, black, East Asian, South Asian, Arab, dwarf, muscular, married, widowed, divorced, single, sweet, bitchy, submissive, bratty. It's fantastic! It shows a tremendous level of effort on the dev's part to go to such an extent to make sure that there is such a level of inclusivity in their project. However, a negative I will agree with is that they're very ready to have sex, which actually leads into the other half.

    The story fucking sucks. Seriously, it's awful. It's not that it makes no sense, but it's that it is BORING AS FUCK. It is one of the most meandering, dragging, soul-sucking stories I've ever read on this site. Clearly the dev believes cuddling constitutes romance, because he constantly shoves it in instead of actually giving each character a reason to want to have sex with the MC specifically. But why would they need a reason, when the dev writes the MC like a "Mary Stu".

    The MC is a chad with money, muscles, a big dick, and totally irresistible with zero character flaws. He is one of the worst MC's I've read in ages. You can't even add your own motivations to him, because he's fucking nothing. Blank pieces of paper have more personality and potential than this fucking guy. He has no real TANGIBLE goals in life to push the story along, no real convictions, no motivation besides "I luv ma family, I wuna big wun". I'm not sure if this is an instance of the world creating the protagonist or the other way around, but I believe it's that this writer wrote the protagonist before much else, and it showed how well his storywriting was going to go. He made a bunch of hot female models, the chad model, and then tried to figure out how to connect the two. That's it.

    That's the reason why the story is so awful, because the dev didn't THINK of one. Their SOLE excuse was to give a reason for these girls to fuck the protagonist. Which makes it even worse that WE HAVE TO SIT THROUGH SO MUCH FLUFF. I mean seriously, why is there so much? How are you making King of Queens and Alf look good for family writing? We know they wanna fuck, we obviously see it, but it just gets dragged out to LARP corruption/character development. It's like they think more words = better writing. There are a dozen characters who essentially go through IDENTICAL "arcs", it is just exhausting.

    So yes, TL;DR
    - Sexual content is amazing in diversity and visuals
    - Story shoves the AVN with 60% boring bullshit
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    It's a porn game but it lacks animations. That's a critical flaw. I ran through the game really quickly and the sex scenes were extremely poor quality, even ignoring the lack of animations. The dev is extremely stingy with renders during the sex scenes. The problem from here is that the text isn't good enough to make up for the lack of animations, and the still-renders don't differ much from still to still. Basically, it'll be the girl's expression slightly changing, or the mc will have moved forward a few inches but the girl is still in the exact same position/spot as the last render.

    Lack of plot, lack of animations, lack of compelling flavor text, lack of compelling love interests, no conflict in the game, every woman is instantly 100% fine with being just one of many of the MC's women, and the most unsexy cucking scenes I've ever seen. Every character in the game is as paper-thin as the plot. The MC has the regular harem MC aura where everyone is attracted to him despite him not having any personality or character. Far too many typical scenarios going on in the game where the MC shows that he is a "real man" despite not doing anything at all. A broke, jobless man living with his grandma, btw. Also apparently has a kid on the way on top of that. The guy is a complete loser but the game likes to act like he is the best man on Earth.

    I could give this a pass if it was just your average porn game, but the lack of animations puts this in the 1-star range.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This is my first review since a long time , i will do more for now on.

    Grandma's house is a tough game to note of all the games that i played recently.
    I think this game deserve some love but i do not understand all those 5* reviews.

    Awsome points :
    - The renders are nice not top notch but very good
    - The variety of kinks is good
    - The writting in the sex scenes are good

    Ok/good points :
    - No animation but the sex scenes are well done
    - No corruption but most all the women are easy they want all sex
    - The length and content of the game is Excellent BUT *

    The awful turn/off :
    OMG The story is Awful, dull ... you get 50% of that awful sweetness, if it was a CUDDLE game i would have put 5stars ... but ... it is a porn game comon , why put so much time with useless girls you will not even be able to fuck for now , 1 ok but 3 or 4 who take all the time of screen in the game is way too much ... but if it is your kind of thing , be naked with women in your bed with sexual tension for hours without doung nothing to them , well this game is for you me it is a turn off ... i played the first and second update , deleted the game at the third ...

    Honorable mention to the scene in the plane
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I played grandma's house from the beginning and back then it was extremely promising where I couldn't wait for the next update & stacked up against the best when it comes to MILF games. Initially there was some seduction/corruption elements of the women , unfortunately there was a point where that ended and now the women just throw themselves at MC with no romancing or flirting. It's totally unsatisfying & in my opinion ruins the game, because there is simply no suspense.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly love the game. Only issue is while the LIs are down to do tons of kinky shit
    The MC is not doing the nasty kinky shit ever sadly. Which is the ONLY letdown...

    My favorite part of this game honestly is the build up, the slow burn that you have with some characters. Honestly would have liked a bit more of a slower burn with a few characters present in game. But it is what it is and even with that this is still easily one of my top 3 games. Past few days were great playing the whole thing.

    Make the MC more kinky. Why does Katie have to be the only one to get hosed on. Makes me feel kinda bad about as she's so sweet :"( Would also have liked if MC did support some character's jealousy. If Katie is jealous then she doesn't always have to be "punished" for it
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this is one of the best VNs around. Normally I'm not into games with so many characters, but somehow MoonBox finds a way to give every one of them some screen time. I remember every single one of them. I've seen games with lots of characters and half the time I ask "who the hell is this?" So far my favorites are the four redhead household of tenant-friends. Ya know.

    Technically, I do enjoy how the characters look and the lighting. The posing has improved over time and it's at a spot I really like.

    Storywise, I do like stories with arcs, but a slice of life story like this is a neat escape from all the drama that most VNs have. Think of it like walking through the park with someone, but instead of holding your beloved's hand, you're holding something else.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game and frankly, Moonbox as a developer, should be the benchmark of quality for adult visual novels. It is both a comfort game as it never fails to hit me right in my feels and make me laugh but also, get me just all the way horned up. Updates are both quick as fuck and solid on content. One of the only games I genuinely go all the way back to the beginning and play through every time I pick it back up. A masterclass not only in harem/incest but just this type of game in general.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion this is one of the best adult virtual novels out there. Updates are consistent and the story and sex scenes are amazing. I especially like the family of gingers. Give this one a download and I guarantee you won't regret it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with good quality graphics, very frequent updates >1/month

    It has all the qualities of a great game, you couldn't wish for anything more.

    With dozens of female characters, this already is a solid harem game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Senpai Kyuu

    I really enjoy the amount of women in your harem. A wide variety with lots of different kinks. I also really enjoy the size of their assets. Currently playing my way through Part 2.

    Only fixes I would suggest: the obvious grammatical error, some sound would take it to the next level, some of the women's teeth our shaped weird, sometimes fabrics of the MC clothes would clip through his penis, and I would hope their will be a pt4.