Look, you bunch of white-knights, it's fine if you don't agree with me, but stop acting as if your opinion is somehow more important or as if no other opinions are allowed in this thread.
And stop acting as if suggesting that with 37 versions, the story might already be told is so outrageous or controversial.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. As I like to say, everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how wrong it is.
Given the Moonbox has apparently stated that the story he's telling will be halfway over when Allison and the MC have sex; that all of the seven non-optional characters will get pregnant: and that there will be a harem, with several optional characters living with the MC and the 7 main LIs; it seems safe to say that the story Moonbox wants to tell is far from over.
Of course, the point when the story you want to read is over is entirely up to you. At any point, you can decide that the story you're reading is over, by not reading further.
What perplexes many people is those who seemingly constantly complain about the direction the story is going, but apparently continue to read it. There are people who simply aren't happy unless they can complain to others. If you happen to be one of those, and people who see little value in your continued complaints realize that, they have to option to ignore you (either by skipping your comments, or by setting their account to ignore your posts).
Some people feel it necessary to respond to comments like yours. In part, that's because new potential readers may try reading the forum to get an idea of whether they'd find the story interesting themselves. If all they see is complaints that go unresponded to, they may think those complaints are majority opinions. Of course, those who get too rude in their responses may also turn off future potential readers.