Idiot - The act or circumstance of having ideas, creates an Idiot.
So, hmmm... let's say... An obese and taller than normal (his normal) guy, is taking a warm shower, humming along his preferred shower tunes... when, without warning a thought permeates the usual fog of his mind. It was :: gasp :: an idea!
It doesn't matter what the idea was. On that moment an Idiot was born. Later he decided to create an account on a Forum, and here we are... heading towards Idiocracy happily drinking electrolytes... the green flavor.
Now, he is in his element. Surrounded of people that also had ideas. Typing long and meaningful comments about everything and nothing.
Having debates about Boxes on the Moon, about Belgian Mountains and Parisian Beaches. About Grandmas getting pregnananananananant and girlfriends having multihypersuperduperfetucinetorian pregnancies. About Bananananananalergies and s-s-s-tu-tu-ters.
Suddenly, almost 3 years have passed, the weight of the Idiocracy is upon us as a blanket of redheads and all we can do is impregnanananananet our aunties, cousins, mommies, maids, grannies, butlers, teachers and anyone else that cums around.
I have to confess. Even being a strong Idiot, I have no clue what actually an Idiot is. I, who am even I?
Blessed be.