Totally different topic, not even gonna mention the above...
MoonBox , I got an idea for your replays, at least for "Scenes", that continue directly into the next scene ... couldn't you ask, at the end of the replay of scene A "do you want to continue with scene b?) (
if _in_replay = "<label of scene A>": menu: ...
), if yes, set
_in_replay = "<label of scene B>; jump <label of scene B>;
Theoretically, you could even put a second gallery label in front of the scene A one, to contain the full scene, and then just check if _in_replay = label of scene A -> end replay, else, continue to scene B, and at the end of Scene B, check if _in_replay = label of scene B OR scene A+B -> end replay...
This would allow to actually watch the scenes - that you got quite a few of, at this point - where it's one, two, three or even 4 replays happening right after each other, without having to go via replay menu inbetween
(be it the scene with O'Reilleys (3 scenes, Replay Page 2 of Episode 3), the scenes with Cat in the Cabin in Part 1, the O'Reilley's scenes in Ep1, or the latest scenes with Aaliyah and Jada... (and I haven't even checked Ep2, at all, yet
Apart from this minor inconvenience, Thanks for your hard work, and all the good content you make!
EDIT: P.S: if that wasn't clear, yet, YES, RenPy puts the label you start the replay with in the variable _in_replay, so you can basically check "which" replay you are in ... or you can do boolean compares on the variable, cause an empty string is converted to "false", while any other string converts into True, implicitly, making
if _in_replay:
a valid construct