And I do accept all of that, but that doesn't mean I HAVE to like it like it's an obligation. Everyone has different tastes in literally everything, and Nanna is not part of MY taste... as for the "heartless" part, maybe that's because I'm closer to the MC's age than most people who play these types of games and also the fact that I'm a woman. Also, as much as I like the whole MILF fetish/fantasy like everyone else, sometimes there are some MILFs that just doesn't do for me - which brings me to my original post, that Nanna is a turn-off for me.
BTW, I don't mean anything bad when I say things like "most people who play these types of games", just that I wish younger people also played more games like that instead of FPS and the likes, so that I'd have more things in common to talk with my friends. And finally, if your post was meant as sarcasm, then just forget everything I just wrote in here.