Elhemeer &
HornyyPussy , I find it strange, how perceptions differ, regarding the Aunt Amy situation, I think, she had always a crush on MC, she just denyed it for herself, and seeing how the other girls are over him, she tries to pack these feelings away, she is much more sensible than her sister, she uses her complicity as a kind of valve somehow, hoping when she "friendzones" him she is safe from her feelings, after the Tete a tete in Paris, she has a bigger inner conflict,
Jamilla is more feet on earth she acts more inconsious, I have the impression she did not evalute her feelings, she is in for a wake up (similar to Nana, she doesn't see the other girls as a competitors, more the women her age Nana, Ofelia, Mabel Iris corrected Asuka) she allows herself to get closer after she sees how the oters do.
That is what I see or percive at least.