Grandma's House, is entirely about how long he (Moonbeam) can milk his obvious financial supporters. Maybe on Subscribe star. There as been so many updates its got to the point in this game of either put up or stop development. It's going around and around in circles which is not fair to anyone, especially those people giving money to the developer. You have heard of pyramid schemes, well this is a carousel scheme, where you never get anywhere with nana, just your false hope you will. I can't blame Moonbeam at this point, if people are still throwing money at him, and he just keeps going around and around. It was fun at the beginning when the little cutie and her mom where rescued from the brother pretend spa. Has even had sex yet with his pretend mom? I am not sure going forward if I can actually be bothered to continue this game, it was okay in the beginning except the mc should be dead now, thanks to his tree branch problem. lol