even though 0.61 is actually chapter 4 then why is it asking for end of chapter 2 while it needs the end of chapter 3
and i do have them save of end of where left off should also work the 1 that they are in the plane towards belgium even that1 i canot load ether crashes renpy or gives me the traceback
and now there isnt any info on how or what you have to do whit savefiles
i know they need to be dropped in the save folder that's you have to do and in renpy you just load them there is no other explanation for them to be loaded and iff the is post it in the OP of this novel post
Moonbox needs to fix this save thingy she has to a normal version every time i DL a new version off her novel i get this problem every time whit the save i love her Novel that aint the problem but PLZ make the save system normal like My new Family from Killer7
when save the game at the end off his episode you can load it whit no problems in the next episodes