Hope is a funny thing, ain't it?
Here you are, making a fool of yourself, without even a clue of why, with your per-conceived notions that ALL Grandmas look like your Grandma. Not leaving room for the possibility, however remote, that things aren't what you imagined it to be.
In your ... let's call it "obscured"... state of mind, you cling to the only salvation you can fathom. Hope.
Well, dear gamer8000 I'm here as an executioner of old, to chop the head of that Hope that you are clinging to.
She isn't only unavoidable, she is the Centerpiece of the game. She is the glue and the soul of this game.
If it ever was put to a vote whether to have her or you, you would be humiliated to nothingness.
So, before you come crying that someone mean killed your Hope, leave her alone in the porch, take her a cup of tea (I suggest Ginger tea) and some Girl Scout cookies, and come along play a game made for adults, not man sized cry babies.
Blessed Be.