That's a male speaking on shit he doesn't know. LOL
Oldest recorded age a woman giving birth is: 74. There has been unrecorded reports of woman as old as 85 giving birth. Youngest was 5(Gross). All that is natural. Doesn't factor in fertility drugs that could stimulate that shit.
Also, our MC suppose to have super sperm to be converted to fertility drugs aka this a fantasy.
So research before you need to mansplain shit.
It's biology, I know it isn't completely impossible, but how likely is it?
There are people who are over 110 years old, so it's possible, but how fucking likely is it that you or someone you know gets that old? Or a fucking made up character in a fucking made up game.
Do I have to mention every single possible stray from the norm, when I make a general statement on a porn-game pirate leeching forum?
Mansplaining, always that stupid approach, as if knowing about reproduction has anything to do with which gender you are.
You can look all that shit up online, so get over yourself, woman!
Is there really no escape from this fucking war of the genders bullshit?
Read your fucking post, the condescending tone, the impolite insulting choice of words, if anything you were "womansplaining" to me.