I have to say, I am very picky when I play VN's and such. Porn is good, and beyond popular belief, there are people who play these for more than the porn, I am one such person. Story is very important for me. If I try a new game and I'm less than 5 minutes in and already screwing everyone, I may continue it, but it's losses most of it's appeal and my attention pretty quick, there are however a couple I have found on this site that have been very story rich that I love, this is definitely one.
One of the biggest things I love about a good story, is when you can somewhat relate to the characters or when the subject matter can actually cause an emotional response. I know not everyone is like that but I am and I have to say this game has touched on a few very touchy subjects that have made me emotional. To you I applaud and salute you because that is what keeps me coming back, I WANT to be emotionally invested in what's happening (yes, yes, I know it's weird, but not all of us are the same so ptttt). Still not done with current build yet, but again, thank you for taking the time to build, what is to me, a well thought out story so far...but just to be clear, some of these ladies...nice!
Oh, and edit...Shizuku...man you really know to pull on some fucking heartstrings with this one.