Well after reading this for the first time to the current update over the past 4 days I have to say it's rather well done, great set of characters and storyline (not sure why so much hate about there being no story) the trip with Amelia was just amazing between them both.
Sure some minor tiny parts that I was like perhaps the dialog could have been a bit shorter there but these are only tiny small parts and long dialog is what this game is build upon, these thoughts could also be built on no sleep and playing so much in single sessions as well
Favorite family member character for me so far would have to be Aunt Amelia, can't wait till she gets the loving she deserves and how it will go with her past, Favorite non family member character would be Fiona and her family hard to just say Fiona by herself that family is one big package. Oh and Shizuka because how could you not love Shizuka.
Guess I am going through a harem the family stage, will need to find the next one to play that I have not already started while I wait for this one and titles like My New Family and My New Memories and others to update.
Overall thanks
MoonBox for the great read so far.