at the wedding (and the number of weddings in this VN can be counted on the fingers of one hand - one finger is enough, if you think about it) there was a bride named Paveena. and throughout the plot of the wedding, I did not notice that after the wedding ceremony, the newly made wife was called something else.
I don’t know, perhaps the author is simply inattentive to such details, perhaps they are insignificant for him.
although if you think about it, the author played himself at the Christmas party by calling the Christmas cake in a Japanese way. that is, the author knows how to engage in self-criticism, which speaks rather positively about him.
perhaps some words or syllables are missing in his personal dictionary (as is the case, for example, with the Japanese, who, when transmitting foreign words, distort them due to the fact that their language does not have the necessary sounds or syllables (see Engrish)) - which led to memory distortion the female name of a Paveena making him Veena.
but I do not blame him for this (I do not call him various epithets). I'm just putting this unfortunate misunderstanding on the surface that it just needs to be corrected, because this is an obvious mistake.
and, please, citing the characteristics of opponents, you are actually doing nothing more than projection. that is, you describe the characteristics of yourself, if you think about it, because those who know about psychology and projection, you are obvious to them.
try to stay away from calling opponents in the future.
Or better yet, grow up.
We are all people and people are different.