Ren'Py - Completed - Greener Pastures [v0.13.6] [arcaos]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Safe to say its my favorite game I've played all year, great work! Good pacing, I never felt like I was grinding money, but still had to worry about my farm getting taken. Highly recommend everyone give this game a shot!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    (Reviewing complete game) It's got pregnant monster girls. Also the story is entertaining, and the dialogue actually manages to enhance the experience. The animations are all fine, it's Koikatsu so you'll get what you usually get with Koikatsu but the camera angles work and don't focus on the MC's ass. There isn't much grinding, just having to click the work button once per day and then going about your business. The only thing that is kind of annoying is how many scenes require all girls to not be pregnant at the end, I get that it would be infeasible to re-render all of them for any combination of pregnancy but having to pass time until they all give birth isn't great.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly a good game. Didn't think I would enjoy the game but sure enough. If you're a fan of harem+pregnancy game content, you should give this a go. There isn't a massive wait time either to get to lewd content which is nice.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, I am really enjoying myself playing it.
    It handles the scenario quite well, I was at first worried it would be preachy or dark and depressing. But no, the game is bright and fun. It does not take itself overly seriously.
    There is lots of content, the girls are very endearing too.
    It is a super wholesome game, and I love the choice of fetishes. collars + pregnant = win.

    There is apparently some optional piss and rimming content in the game, which I dislike so I turned it off in the settings menu and I never saw it come up. Game specifically tells you to check the settings menu and turn off unwanted fetishes, which is the best way to handle this.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1769437


    An almost perfect visual novel. If you like monster girls, harems, impregnation, or all of the above--give this a try. Most of the fetishes (peeing, rimming, femdom, and pregnancy*) are avoidable or you can turn them off if you're not into them so there's no reason not to check it out. *I think some pregnancy is required for the main storyline.

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  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved this game. Even though the main character looks like a stepped-on vegetable, the story is quite catching and interesting. The characters are diverse and it's a must-play for everyone with a breeding fetish.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I do like this one, it's honestly one of the better "sandbox" games no doubt. There's little grind and the built in hints are mostly not broken. But I'm going to voice my two glaring issues with this upfront instead of at the end. One, This game is completely linear and it would 100% be improved by removing the sandbox element entirely. Sure, one or two "quests" open up at the same time but with a line or two of dialogue, it can be explained away. And Two, most, if not all, of the plot, character development, and most of the sex happens completely off screen. All of the girls mention all of this sex or reference conversations that you or they've had but you never see any of it. And especially for a porn game that is kinda stupid, to be perfectly candid. And I hope that the dev retroactively fixes that. Just sain'...

    The story is very simple, you play as MC, a farmer that ends up harboring monster girls trying to evade laws that lock them up. Mostly because the succubus population have a semen shortage and they want to eliminate the competition by masquerading as a pious anti sex organization. That's really it, you accrue a group of 8 monster girls and one of them is from the organization and says "your semen is better" and wants to provide an alternative to the authoritarian laws. The spoiler is it's because you love the girls. Although none of the relationship building is shown and the MC just says "whatever makes you happy." So it never feels like there's a real connection.

    The characters are oversimplified and one note, a lot of their names are even puns. Tabitha the tsundere cat(tabby cat), Terri the security dog(terrier), Milibelle the motherly cow, Ariana the femdom spider, Penny the breeding crazed bunny maid, Lily the succubus(lilith), Serena the fashionista fish, and Sophie the chaste spoiled rich girl. All of the relationships develop the same the difference is just where they came from, and the only problem is the monster girl laws that they're trying to solve. I don't at all fault this for being simple, but it's not a game of the gods by any means. If anything it is very much a story whose end goal is to focus on a pregnancy fetish. Not really my thing, but in universe it is explained away well enough.

    And usually I don't say anything about this because it's koikatsu and generally the models aren't too great but MC's face is awful to look at I can't stand his beady eyes and misshapen head. The same to a lesser degree about Terri and Tabby's heads I don't know what it is but they just look odd. And a lot of the dialogue talks as if you'd done all the "side content." That being the repeatable sex scenes or the Sabrina Sparklez stuff, which I don't care about repeatable scenes or cam girls so I was always like "who tf is sabrina?" And had to dive into my memory about who that was every time.

    This one tries to address the whole "multiple women" thing so its not 8 parallel stories with minimal interaction. They do talk and are together a lot, which is good. But it feels like they have a whole life off screen and then come to MC for sex and the writer even ACKNOWLEDGES THIS multiple times. If you know that's an issue and you address it but don't do anything about it, that's not funny or quirky, that's just plain lazy. Every time there's a story based sex scene, it ends with a black screen that says something along the lines of "And after a few more intense love making sessions, they went to sleep." That could be funny once or twice, maybe to allude to a future release at an end of content point, but it keeps happening.

    TLDR The game is fine, plenty of lewdy bits to appeal to everyone. The models are okay and diverse enough I guess. The grind is minimal but there were still a couple times I had to just keep clicking "sleep to next day" and work on the farm for like 10 mins. The game should be linear but the polish on this is good. Ultimately, I'm curious to see how it ends and all the NTR pansies out here will hold this up on their golden pedestal.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    DISCLAIMER: Review written for version 0.10. At the time of writing, I am a supporter of this game. There will be very light spoilers on some subjects the game focuses on, but nothing that should hamper a first experience whatsoever. Viewer discretion is advised.
    As to be expected of me, my review is going to be quite lengthy, so you have been warned. The reasoning for this is simple: I want to make sure to give the reader an informed impression, not a mere sentences that boil down a complex opinion that could even be called a "review", but for those that really can't be bothered...

    The TL;DR upfront: While the game does nothing really new, neither in story or gameplay, what elements it takes are polished up to a mirror shine and this, coupled with some exceptional writing makes for a lighthearted funny romp of a game that is - in my opinion - well worth your time if nothing else.

    Greener Pastures - Initially, this was a game that I didn't want to grab. However, I decided against it one night because I was bored and ready to plunge into yet another potentially horribly executed sandbox. Oh boy was I in for a ride that I did not expect. The game sure took me by surprise back then. But I'll come to that in a bit, so let's take it from the top shall we?

    Given this is actually not just a simple porn gallery, there's actually story and writing:
    Is surprisingly solid, but requires a heads up. If you come here expecting a deep, intruiging overarching story with many different layers to it, where you get to see everything fall into place, then you might be in the wrong spot just yet. If you want something more on the humouros side with a narrow outset that slowly grows in scope that you can easily settle into, welcome aboard. While the story at the outset is nothing out of the ordinary: "Monster girls everywhere, why are there only monster girls and not guys? Who cares, enjoy a carefree life" is nothing new and definitely fitting for a game that seems to take a more light-hearted approach, but the focus isn't on that. The narrow scope on the world - that not just the player but also the MC has - gradually expands and explores a deeper narative than just mentioned. But as of right now, that's not the strong point either, let alone what is so excellent about it. It is the writing itself within all of this is packed and what ultimately made me write a review about this game in the first place. In many of this games moments you come across cleverly executed jokes, witty humor, some meta-jokes here and there and even the occasional subtle fourth-wall-break, that overall just elevated the entire experience and made me laugh out loud on several occasions - definitely didn't expect that from a porn game. As comedy in adult games can be a huge hit-or-miss situation, this swings far closer to the hit than the miss. This got to the point of me straight-up being invested in the characters out of sheer interest in them and what will make me laugh next, less so about the story or the porn on display.

    But what about those characters that I touted investment about sentences ago?
    They are most defintely varied. Not just in their appearance, but in their personality. While they fall onto cliché territory quite often (and from my understanding quite deliberately so), this comes to the games benefit as these molds are broken gradually as you get to know them better. Not to mention that the writing shines here once again: The characters are quite believably written as products of their environment more often than not, instead of "what would be cool for a monster girl porn game", with surprisingly believable trains of thought attached to them. Better yet, you aren't the only one interacting with these characters - with the narrow focus on characters early on, all packed in a close environment, their interactions between each other is just as expansive and varied, which is what makes them so believeable in the first place as they take consequences from their actions, learn and actually grow from them. This is character development done well in a lighthearted game. I feel that this is also a part often neglected in adult games that feature multiple girls - their interactions between each other are just about, if not more important, than the interactions between them and the MC. This all coming together makes them feel pretty damn human. All in all, quite surprising and definitely the biggest sticking point of the game for me.

    So the characters all sound fun to explore, but how do they actually look? Let's talk visuals:
    The characters themselves are all in all quite nice to look at, for the most part. "The most part" here refers to the fact that there's been complaints about the look of the MC. And while I can understand the reasoning for this, I could've honestly cared less because the characters - and especially the MC with his humor and perfectly timed dad jokes - endeared me more than enough to look past this. With nicely animated scenes to boot, what else could one ask for? Well, a nice UI would be a good thing to start and that is shown. There is some really nice interfacework at display here and it all fits nicely together. Nothing looks blatantly out of place or gives off this cheap look akin to some other VNs.

    But enough of that, so we'll come to the gameplay:
    In essence, it is what you would come to "expect" from a sandbox game nowadays - an open area to explore in order to trigger events with characters while managing your time and income. So far, so sandbox. This is however helped by the sandbox being exceptionally small and everything being only ever as big as it needs to be at any given time, only gradually expanding - and even then not by a lot. This is a massive plus, as you won't be hunting around screen after screen in order to figure out where to go and what to do. There is barely any chance to get lost, not a whole lot to grind for in the first place and especially no dumb clicking through tenths of screens just to learn that where you went did not lead you anywhere, which is always a massive frustration point in many sandboxe-type games nowadays. Even if you are absolutely stumped, the game hands you a nice quick hint screen for you to go check if you absolutely cannot be arsed to check around what small space you have around you. Still a nice and welcome addition.
    Another thing I feel this game has going for it is the simple fact that not every event encountered is some earth-shattering revelation and it really feels like you just living your own slice of life for the most part, with some heavier moments sprinked in-between to keep you wanting for more. While you will need to advance each character's story eventually to actually get moving forward, these characters narratives aren't so deeply woven together that it would become a convoluted clusterfuck that is impossible to follow along and instead you have more than enough personal time with these characters to actually get to know them better. In short, it's not a massive web of intricacies, but a lighthearted ball of yarn. In a sandbox game, pacing is exceptionally difficult to pull off, but here it is done really well.

    But we're not here to listen to all that nerdshit about gameplay and writing, we're here for porn:
    And boy let me tell you, this game provides in spades and then some more. This is ticking off all the boxes one could ask for: Lots of repeatablce scenes, different kinks that are surprisingly well integrated into the characters, some very special scenes that happen at important parts of the story to top it all off and a variety of change based on the progression with the characters and story inside of those repeatable scenes. The animations themselves are nicely done and feel natural most of the time. There's honestly not a whole lot I could complain about...

    But complain I must. There have been instances in the past where specific content was just... bugged. Not just simple bugs, but straight-up content being inaccesible. This gives this all a "wonky treehouse"-kind of feel, not to mention smaller nitpicks that I had stumbled across in past versions, like sounds and music sometimes continuing to play past a scene, needing to finish playing out. A nitpick at best, but the contrast between what is done so well throws smaller issues into sharper relief in my opinion.

    So with that, I can confidently give this game a 5 star rating. Call me biased (please, I thrive off of it), but in all honesty, not every game needs to be some exceptionally complex web of conspiracy in which everything goes off a grandios master plan and sometimes all we want is nothing but a lighthearted game that isn't afraid of taking itself down a peg or two for comedies sake. For what it's worth, if this game isn't worth your support, at the very least it is very well worth your time.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a hard but simple life being a farmer. However when farming, sometimes you get a little luck in truly harvesting a hell of a jewel crop, one that promises monster girls, ranching, an honest life, and lewd. Lots a'lewd.

    I guess before diving in, my bias throughout this game is just me overlooking the rougher edges of it, considering at points with the corruption tiers with characters can sometimes outpace themselves and break contexts, and some points of the game as a whole can just be touched up on, but a lot of that is just outshined by what this game achieves.

    Anyways, more of that will be explained later on in the review, onto the game itself.

    You play as a wholesome kind of guy, you got dreams of monster girls on your mind but you're just a poor farmer, out on the country, living the life as a simple man providing for himself and trying to keep his farm from being taken away by them damn dirty bankers. You got a sordid past, you're barely keeping afloat, but for some reason, while trying to do honest work monster girls start trickling in because an organization, FUCC, is starting to clamp down on the lewdities of the world. Now monster girls are illegal and are on the run because tiddies are too good for society, and well, what's an honest farmer to do but provide room and board for refugees?

    As time goes on though, you start to realize that you're no longer a farmer, but an ordained Monster Rancher.

    If you can't tell by now, I really love the premise of this game. It's funny, and it lampoons a lot of H-game, corruptive tropes by instead inverting them and even poking fun at how stagnant the formula has become. Instead of being a creepo perv that has to utilize some gimme to get the lewd, whether it be hypnosis, magic hypnosis, medicinal hypnosis, or just any copout really, you merely just chad up and provide shelter, friendship, and loveable dumbassery to make these buxom monster girls fall for you.

    It's refreshing not to feel like a bastard for once and to instead just be a good guy, and on top of that despite the MC inheriting whatever moniker you use for your H-games, he's definitely got his own personality. He's just a simple farmer, he doesn't know everything, and if anything he's aloof on most things. But one thing he truly is is a (hentai-believable) lady-killer. He actually does care about his babes, he does use safewords, he works hard to provide for his growing harem, and for the most part doesn't really have a magic plan to fight against FUCC that's creating this whole odd reality. And all the girls as well have their own personality that is dynamic in relation to the choices made, nobody ever feels too cardboardy in what they're (initially) representing. The dialogue too really helps sell this considering that it's immensely tongue-in-cheek and has heaps of light-hearted humor sprinkled throughout.

    The game too is really wholesome on how it treats romance and sex, but it doesn't trade that off for vanilla sex either, there's still a lot of nastiness, kinkiness, petplay too, and even fetishes that'll turn peeps off (which you can toggle off, such as piss-play and what have you). It's got a magic balance in being a light hearted romp that still centers itself around various tiers of lewd.

    And for what the version number may tell you, it's got a lot of content for where it is. So far, mostly every character that flees to your house is pretty much fleshed out to a point where they are of equal standing to the other characters in their progression (I'd venture to guess about 6-8 hours of gameplay that feels jampacked rather than padded).

    There is also some grinding, such as working to make that cold hard earned 11 dollars to keep your harem farm afloat but that in itself starts to get solved as your girls start to realize how to optimize your farm (since you yourself fumbled a lot of it). And grinding for relationships too isn't at all in the way in comparison to how other games do it, there's no real hell in trying to raise points or anything of the sort. And for the most part you will know how to progress as well, no maze-like quests to merely get to the next scene with girls.

    However, mainly with the latter, I do think that sometimes the hint system can use a touch up. As the most utilized hint is "to work on the other girls" but when all of them say that, you really don't know if you should lewd them more, talk to them more, or what have you. It's never egregious, but at some points in the game you are just going through a whirlwind of selecting every girl and wondering what action will unlock the next scene for a different girl. And as mentioned, there are some times where the games lewd outpaces the character's context in where the relationship currently stands. Such as characters suddenly wearing collars when you yourself haven't giving them that yet but your lewd points may have outpaced the games readability on the situation. Other than that, it's pretty well made, no over-arching bugs or stutters.

    Overall, this is a wholesome, kinky adventure that feels like a breath of fresh air in the sandbox-harem games. I whole heartedly recommend this romp if you got an afternoon to spare, as it fulfills the male fantasy of providing for your babe(s) and being responsible with your life. 5/5.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    Right so despite the fact this game [0.9 version] has not NTR or Futa, I've found myself spending the last few days in playing it. It's also a harem game too so you know when I play harem games they have to have something to them! Whilst it's nowhere near the content of say Dark Magic, it does as of this version have a LOT of content that you can spend hours on.

    There are a fair amount of kinks involved too, such as breeding fetish, pet play (by collaring them) and a BDSM/femdom one too, there is also peeing but I personally disabled that one. There are occasional moments of humour involving 4th wall breaking where they look at the camera, which was okay. The grinding for cash is also at a decent and not overwhelming level which is nice.

    Negatives for me, other than personal taste (such as no sharing or futa characters) I find the MC's face is....odd, i.e. in terms of facial features, though that may just be me. Also (no homo) his dick does resemble a pencil in some shots.

    Possible future ideas [though I assume it being 0.9 it's nearly finished so....]:

    * If the dev was ever going to add futa, I believe there are some species of crab or crustacean that are hermaphrodite, there's also possible interaction opportunity with the water nymph girl since they'd both be near water.
    * Other possibilities could be snake, bear, scorpion, frog...I'm sure the dev had thought of some that could work.
    * Could possibly add more girl with girl interactions, not always having to join in either.

    All in a good game. Would recommend.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the game that brought me to F95, so that alone should show you how good it is. The story is entertaining, all the girls get their shot to shine, and none ever feel forgotten or left behind as the story moves forward. Fun game with hours of gameplay and a lot of potential for future content.
  12. 4.00 star(s)



    All the girls are great, animation is fantastic, voices are okay, it isn't too grindy, even some of the acts are different depending on 'level',
    the "corruption" is basically just sexual sort-of-romance progress.

    What's keeping it form a 5/5 then?

    Some events are random / unexpected, some are locked behind others for seemingly no reason and even thought they get varied clothing, their appearance can't be customized (yet pet-names can) and that makes me constantly think that's a quite the waste.

    In short: very good, wish some of the content was organized and (re-)used better.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The game talks about a farmer in a world where monster girls are the norm, well except when they are not anymore and captured by the government for bullshit reasons. The MC starts to shelter those girls on his farm and slowly getting closer and closer to them until love blossoms and the MC gets a nice harem.

    Extraordinary aspects of the game:

    What is good:
    The game is alright in all aspects but doesn’t really shine anywhere.

    What is bad:
    Pretty much as the above.

    What can be made better:
    It’s hard to say, the animations can be better. The models, especially the one of the MC.

    My opinion:
    A well-made game that fulfills what it promises, but does not exceed in any of its categories. The storyline is simple and not realistic but enough not to make yourself ask wtf I am reading. There is some grind to the game but I found that it’s quite manageable. So it’s a good game but that is pretty much it, I still suggest for you to play it as it’s a quite a nice game.

    If you want more reviews/recommendation check out my list [Link]
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're into monster girls without a lot of fetish stuff, you'll love this game. The characters are very likeable., and realistic. There's no grinding or waiting on random chance for a scene to happen. Most of the fetishes are avoidable*.

    I didn't expect the sex scenes to be so hot or enjoyable given the simplistic** art style, but the dialogue and characterization really make it work.

    * there's some very light handcuffs/dom stuff with one of the girls that you can't avoid since it's that characters sexual theme, but it's the sort of mild stuff a couple might experiment with in real life

    ** compared to games like Maou-Sama, Neko Paradise, and Oppai Odyssey
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Playing this game makes me happy. I enjoyed every moment of the game as well as lewd scene. Each character's lovely.
    Animation is not that super quality, but for just 4 months the dev has made a lot of hot animated scenes of great angle.
    I hope the dev will get enough support.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.5

    A good game but it has some bad UI and bugs

    Pros -
    The ladies are pretty memorable and unique and I like most of them.
    Neat setting.
    And good in-game walk-through.
    Pretty funny too.

    Meh -
    The UI could be better, I did get used to it after playing it for bit but it sticks out.

    Cons -
    Bugs in the text going off the bottom of screen and over other text.
    And I had a bug in meeting a girl in the bathroom before she join the farm.

    TLDR - Good game with some problems, looking forward to new updates.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The models/graphics are nothing special being what I guess is Koikatsu assets. That being said the writing struck a chord with me and I found the characters to be genuinely funny and adorable. As it stands there's a fairly good amount of contact to dig through at the moment so it'll keep you busy for a bit. Give a try, I almost passed it by myself.

    *Small update: Moving my rating from 4 to 5 stars due to the excellent content updates since version .5*
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, highly recommend for monster girl lovers, slice of life enjoyers, and those whole like light hearted sandboxes.

    All of the characters are great, which is always a huge plus for sandbox games with a large cast.

    Although the game is somewhat new, there’s a great amount of content, and you won’t be left blueballed waiting for H-scenes. Really looking forward to seeing more and hoping each girl continues to get attention (especially the cow and nymph girls)
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I played that game, it was good, characters cute, scene really funny and sexy. Through my biggest problem is that it is not done, there isn't missing scenes or assets missing. In fact the house you live in has planned rooms, items in the shop you can buy but doesn't have any effect. All I want is more to be added and to arcaos you should do a poll to see what the next monster girl the community wants to add next after your planned girls.

    Hey also more cow girl stuff plz =)