I considered it for my next project (My initial plan was a Bisexual MC) but I'm afraid I would fall flat with the straight sex scenes, my games are mainly text games, and since the only pussy I know is from the internet pics, heh, it would be a disaster , in all seriousness, I need to appreciate better the female body and do it justice, and with my current skills I can't, and me being gay doesn't help either.Gotta admit, this game is fantastically put together. Makes me regret I'm straight. Mr. Rafster, sir, once this project will be complete, would you consider making something with a bigger focus on heterosexuality?
It's still on the drawing board though, maybe I change my mind and give it a shot, who knows. I don't discard it completely, since I wrote one scene with a trans men (FtM), I actually fap to them. For now it will be gay focused, but I'll let you know if I change the plans.