Okay, let me get this straight . . . , You start your school day, between 7:00 am to 8:00 am, have one class, (seems a different one each day), the whole day, (9 hrs., with no lunch-break, even while having a "Lunch Hall"), and end the school day at 5:00 pm, and go home .

Where you can watch porn on your PC, go to sleep, or go outside (to do what?) . . . need some guidance here ?
I'm hoping you plan to add a few more classes, eventually, and give us some sort of schedule ?
PS - Also, when you gain a point in one of the "Stats", you get this as a "result"; [number NaN] <---apparent "bug" ?
EDIT #1 : When you leave the school, at end of the school day . . . Your "Home", is not available to go-to, only Andi's ?