
Sep 24, 2017
Am i the only one who's happy that this is not RPG MV and it's the VX ace?

(cuz i do not like the MV's lagginess)
MV isn't laggy. Your computer is. If your computer is struggling to play a game smoothly with RPG Maker MV... then you are way, way past due for an upgrade. The oldest, least powerful computer I own (over 6 years old and it was a low-end office computer when it was new) does not lag when playing RPGM MV games.

Personally I don't care much which RPGM a game uses. You can get great results with any of them. MV is the most technically advanced and capable one. VX Ace has the most available asset packs. From a player perspective, it's pretty convenient to have mouse control built in. Other than that... it's pretty much the same.
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Ian felisilda

Sep 6, 2017
MV isn't laggy. Your computer is. If your computer is struggling to play a game smoothly with RPG Maker MV... then you are way, way past due for an upgrade. The oldest, least powerful computer I own (over 6 years old and it was a low-end office computer when it was new) does not lag when playing RPGM MV games.

Personally I don't care much which RPGM a game uses. You can get great results with any of them. MV is the most technically advanced and capable one. VX Ace has the most available asset packs. From a player perspective, it's pretty convenient to have mouse control built in. Other than that... it's pretty much the same.
Well if you say so, i do have an ancient potato Toaster. That's why i kinda hate playing MV while lagging the gameplay, there are some games that i enjoy in MV, so i guess it's the matter of the player's perspective preference.


Feb 16, 2018
MV isn't laggy. Your computer is. If your computer is struggling to play a game smoothly with RPG Maker MV... then you are way, way past due for an upgrade. The oldest, least powerful computer I own (over 6 years old and it was a low-end office computer when it was new) does not lag when playing RPGM MV games.
My backup machine is an old potato that can run modded TES:IV Oblivion fine, but can't run MV games without lag :unsure:

Kinda hard to deny that MV eats far more system resources than it should. Isn't an issue for many/most people, but doesn't change that MV is kinda crap in that regard. Also worth noting that MV was designed to be usable by 'everyone', and that inefficient/clueless scripting is often an issue (whereas older RPGM versions required dev's to not be completely clueless).
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Sep 24, 2017
My backup machine is an old potato that can run modded TES:IV Oblivion fine, but can't run MV games without lag :unsure:

Kinda hard to deny that MV eats far more system resources than it should. Isn't an issue for many/most people, but doesn't change that MV is kinda crap in that regard. Also worth noting that MV was designed to be usable by 'everyone', and that inefficient/clueless scripting is often an issue (whereas older RPGM versions required dev's to not be completely clueless).
  • Oblivion doesn't have an advanced scripting language like javascript at it's heart (it has scripting... but it's pretty shitty and is the primary source of bugs in all TES3+ and Fallout3+ games). And, I promise you, not everyone knows javascript.
  • The tools for RPGM MV are pretty much identical to those for RPGM VX Ace... which you would know if you had ever actually used them.
  • Oblivion's graphics are also 3D accelerated... meaning that the graphics workload is offloaded to the GPU freeing the CPU. Meanwhile all RGPM engines use only the CPU for everything... which improves compatability across platforms and reduces the complexity of development... but with RGPM MV's improvements to the way it renders, much broader support for mobile platforms, and its much more robust and capable scripting engine it necessarily needs more CPU than past versions.
  • Oblivion was developed by a team of professional game developers with a large budget and years to optimize every texture and model. Meanwhile, RPGM games are made by Joe Shmoe who doesn't know what a megabyte is, works fast food to pay the bills, and has to release significant amounts of content every month or his "fans" turn into whiny, toxic assholes.
  • I might also mention Oblivion is 13 years old... around the same age as RPGM VX Ace... while RPGM MV is 4 years old. So it's expected that people playing RPGM MV games will have much more powerful hardware than is needed to play Oblivion (apparently not, in your case).
So yeah... your comparison only demonstrates how little you actually know on this subject. RPG MV is a dramatic improvement over previous RGPM engines. Yes, those improvements come with more overhead... but that's still a very very small amount of overhead. And, again, a 6 year old low-end office computer with no 3d accelerated graphics to speak of can play RPGM MV games smoothly. So you'd need a real potato of a computer to not be able to play RPGM MV games smoothly.

RPGM VX Ace and RPGM MV each have their pros and cons but from a capabilities standpoint MV is clearly superior.
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Active Member
Nov 8, 2017
Funny thing about his patreon, there's only one person that donates enough to play the latest version.

I'll still never get the subscription model, $10 was about what you'd pay for a complete game before patreon became a thing - now devs expect people to fork out $10 dollar a month to be drip fed content?
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Zeroed in

Jun 23, 2018
My backup machine is an old potato that can run modded TES:IV Oblivion fine, but can't run MV games without lag :unsure:

Kinda hard to deny that MV eats far more system resources than it should. Isn't an issue for many/most people, but doesn't change that MV is kinda crap in that regard. Also worth noting that MV was designed to be usable by 'everyone', and that inefficient/clueless scripting is often an issue (whereas older RPGM versions required dev's to not be completely clueless).
the computer i'm currently using is really bad with everything including MV, but i learned a trick awhile back that helps with speeding up programs and apps. Im no computer expert but if you ctrl+shift+escape to open task manager and go to details, then your able to right click the program you want more resources on to then "set priority" to above average. i don't recommend setting this to high or realtime if you are using other programs and or if your computer is trash like mine.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2018
Funny thing about his patreon, there's only one person that donates enough to play the latest version.

I'll still never get the subscription model, $10 was about what you'd pay for a complete game before patreon became a thing - now devs expect people to fork out $10 dollar a month to be drip fed content?
Game developement is not cheap


Active Member
Nov 8, 2017
So he's put a pretty big update out the other day for space stuff, don't know if theres any new h-stuff.
Too bad patreon isn't glitching at the moment and showing the mega links

So, this is quite possibly the biggest update yet. Since I've been going full time with development lately, I've got quite a bit done on the game. As you might have guessed, the majority of this update deals with the space exploration part of the game. There's been a bunch of things, under the hood and otherwise, so I'll just run down the main features:
New graphics for the sparrow bridge and space stuff: Finally the command console looks like an actual spaceship cockpit. Other graphical improvements applied to other areas as well.
Completed Launching and Landing sequence. You can now launch and land without issues. These sequences are skippable as well. This includes docking sequences for the ISS.
Feature Complete ISS: The ISS is explorable, with people to talk to, a pawn shop, crafting area, and commerce area. You can also pester station admin and get some backstory, including a new readable item.
Feature Complete Spaceport: All sections of the spaceport are finished. You can buy commodities (although right now there is nowhere to actually ship them), and purchase station services including ship upgrades and repairs. There are people to talk to who may have interesting things to say about some of the things you can do.
Added D-Ring Activity: Earth's Debris Ring is the result of a massive orbital cleanup operation that nearly bankrupted the Big Five, but basically eliminated the danger of space debris by keeping it within a specified zone, a ring around the planet. You can visit four quadrants of this ring and brave the dangers of this area to find potentially valuable wreckage and earn bounties for taking dangerous debris out of circulation.
Added Recycling: This can tie into the D-Ring activity, allowing you to open up large garbage containers and sift through the disgusting junk inside, procuring bits and pieces you can salvage via the crafting system for valuable materials. Sell or use these materials to build other items, the choice is yours.
Implemented Stock Market: The stock market is now fully implemented though untested.
Frameworks Established: Many under-the-hood support structures for future game mechanics have been built and refined, specifically oriented toward space exploration, which should make future development of space exploration features easier.
QoL Improvements: General quality of life improvements in some areas, like ATM's, which allow you to manage your bank account in a simple way, from most public places.
Stargirl is Ready: Once again I have rebuilt and further refined the Stargirl (Xandra) save with the aim of enabling you to immediately go to space and explore the new features.
Other features: Check the changes file in the freebie folder for a complete rundown of new stuff.
As for things that aren't in this update but I am planning on adding soon:
More space events, sensor tie-ins, research probe events, etc. Things like finding derelict satellites and repairing them or scavenging them for different rewards. More space combat stuff (Space combat is technically in the game but it is in dire need of testing and probably extremely buggy). Fleet stuff. The framework for fleets is in the game and functional but the mechanics are not developed enough to use it fully, and as such it is untested and probably buggy.
Travel to other planets, and the Moonbase. I want to have an orbital shipyard at the Moon, as well as a small lunar city on the surface (well, technically, most of the city is underground). Mars will have a very small colony on the surface, and Venus has a mining station, both of which are not yet in the game. I want to have a recycling center orbiting Mercury. Initially my goal will be to get the Solar System complete. This will allow me to develop and test the commodity trading system and all of the fundamental parts of the game having to do with space travel, exploration (both in space and on planets), finding anomalies, and so forth. These mechanics will then form a foundation for the development of the procedural generation system used to populate the galaxy with interesting planets and star systems, as well as a few scripted systems with handmade content to explore.
Space stuff that's slated for later development:
Ability to fly other types of ship and change your flagship between ships in your fleet. In order to make this possible, I need to develop the fundamental parts of every other part of the space exploration game. Then I can use the Sparrow Explorer as the template to build other ships with radically different characteristics and abilities.
Aliens. The truth is out there.
Okay, that's enough for now. This is a big one, but it's also just a step in the right direction. If I continue to be able to work full time on the game, we could end up seeing more big updates soon. It's not always easy to justify putting this kind of time into development, but when the opportunity presents itself, I try to exploit it.
Give it a day or so to upload the resources (thanks to my slow ass upload speed). The core files for v56 are already available in the Silver folder, but you'll likely need the resources for this update. Still, you can try the core and see how far it'll get you with an older set of resources. All other versions have been pushed up as usual.


Mar 19, 2020
so im trying to play the public v46 and i have downloaded the file twice now from mega thinking sumthing messes up in the down load band i got
both times


Active Member
Nov 8, 2017
You need to install the RPG maker runtimes
I think this runs on vx
Jul 24, 2017
i´d love to play this game but if i had read all posts in here before trying it,my time wouldnt be wasted so much xD
Completing Missions seems almost impossible because of the "item error" crash and doing the sewers dungeon feels like a lottery because every time the screen stays black after entering or advancing to the next lvl,if u cant save in a dungeon and your only way out is pressing Alt+F4 then you get pissed after multiple attempts lol