Unity Guild Project [v0.29.0] [Guild Project]

3.30 star(s) 4 Votes


Jan 14, 2024
is this game still being worked on looked cool.
Latest Patreon release was February 14th.
Public release updated as well.

Progress isn't great, but it's there. I asked in their Discord last year how things were coming along as it had been, at the time, several months without a peep and they started posting updates every few weeks. They've since slowed back down so... shrug.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 2, 2017
k thanks hope they keep on it sad to say i have seen alot of dev's with good game just stop look at all the abandend games lol.


Engaged Member
Sep 22, 2016
k thanks hope they keep on it sad to say i have seen alot of dev's with good game just stop look at all the abandend games lol.
It's the mentality of the developers destroying game creations for many now.

1. People pay out a ton of money supporting and they don't finish games
2. This trend makes people not trust a game will get finished so don't support it
3. Developers need to not get into developing a game thinking they will make money. Finish one game completely than you may get people to support you but don't think your going to get supporters on your first game you have not proven yourself to be someone that will finish a game.
4. Updates need to be regular and updates even if just showing work being done needs to be constant and consistent

So what we get is people who start than just quit because they do not have a bunch of instant followers. So you get a bunch of failed abandoned games!


Forum Fanatic
Nov 2, 2017
which is the sad and honest truth. i think they feel like me at times but they did start and try me i want to try drawing but scared of failing are i say i can handle be told i stink but that stll hurts to hear if you now what i mean. to the dev if you come here keep up the good work.


New Member
Apr 7, 2020
The art is nice and dungeon crawlers are one of those genres that usually sell quite good, sooo... Can someone explain to me why this game never made more than 300$/month on patreon??? Please?


Forum Fanatic
Nov 2, 2017
hard to say i think people these day's just are not in to rpgs. some of the maen problems they have o its to grindy they want something for nothing i guess lol. i liked this game had good art and a story, p,s old school dnd player this new stuff is just crap to me are mybe i just don't get it.


New Member
May 22, 2024
The art is nice and dungeon crawlers are one of those genres that usually sell quite good, sooo... Can someone explain to me why this game never made more than 300$/month on patreon??? Please?
Yeah dude i was check on patreon they only have 93 dollar per month for a good rpg game like this, fuk, well maybe just because this is a adult game when come to this genre most people will jump into visual novel or just only sexual game, and rpg it just too much grinding for people want jump instant to sexual content. It have some rpg adult game make a very good selling but not most of them, i even see an rpg game have 10k dollar per month in patreon, that fucking insane but that game not have too much combat system content that why people play it cause not too grinding. But i am different, i like rpg especially combat rpg, and i find a lot of classic rpg in adult game so i jump on this genre to find rpg game ( kinda dump :? ) but the result isnt good like i thought, most of adult game is just visual novel ( some of it also have combat system but it is a small content and unfinished )
3.30 star(s) 4 Votes