k thanks hope they keep on it sad to say i have seen alot of dev's with good game just stop look at all the abandend games lol.
It's the mentality of the developers destroying game creations for many now.
1. People pay out a ton of money supporting and they don't finish games
2. This trend makes people not trust a game will get finished so don't support it
3. Developers need to not get into developing a game thinking they will make money. Finish one game completely than you may get people to support you but don't think your going to get supporters on your first game you have not proven yourself to be someone that will finish a game.
4. Updates need to be regular and updates even if just showing work being done needs to be constant and consistent
So what we get is people who start than just quit because they do not have a bunch of instant followers. So you get a bunch of failed abandoned games!