
Jun 26, 2018
Difficulty mod for v1.7

Cheat buttons :
F1 to hide/show the cheat menu
F2 and F3 to toggle infinite HP and MP
F4 Apply all bad states
F5 Remove all bad states
Number 1 to 0 and "-" apply a specific bad state
"=" remove the hypno effect

Difficulty increase :
Enemies have more health in hard and very hard.
Hypno state makes you get more hypnotized when taking hits
When fully hypnotized (lasting 15 sec), you will move slowly and can't attack while moving, only while standing still.
The resist mechanic scales in difficulty with the game's difficulty and ecstasy level.
Ecstasy level decreases slower on hard difficulty and doesn't decrease passively on very hard.
The more you get captured or fail to resist; resisting becomes more difficult. (resets at clothing shrines, or half reset at orgasm)
works also in 1.9?


New Member
Oct 25, 2017
works also in 1.9?
most likely no, it overwrites the core game dll (meaning it would be like playing v1.7 again).

i took some inspiration from that mod (thanks fdjghjk for posting the sources)

and was working on a bepinex plugin to accomplish a similar thing. maybe i will post it if i finish it.

edit: uploaded my bepinex plugin for v1.9. haven't tested it extensively. install the way you use normal bepinex plugins:

read the config to find out what it does once you run the game with it enabled.

i'm too lazy to do anything else.
Last edited:


New Member
Jan 8, 2021
Same problem, the game doesn't recognize my inputs. I tried with an xbox controller (it is disconnected when im using kb+m) but still doesn't respond. I tried different keyboard layouts but no luck.
So the cause was that the parent directory had a non-ascii character in its name (for me its the blank character). Make sure the parent dir has a normal name without any weird non-ascii characters.

F:\Games\Hachina_Monster_Tale_v1.7 is OK.
F:\{any non-ascii character}\Hachina_Monster_Tale_v1.7 is NOT OK.
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New Member
Oct 10, 2017
most likely no, it overwrites the core game dll (meaning it would be like playing v1.7 again).

i took some inspiration from that mod (thanks fdjghjk for posting the sources)

and was working on a bepinex plugin to accomplish a similar thing. maybe i will post it if i finish it.

edit: uploaded my bepinex plugin for v1.9. haven't tested it extensively. install the way you use normal bepinex plugins:

read the config to find out what it does once you run the game with it enabled.

i'm too lazy to do anything else.
This doesn't seem to work at all.
I followed the install instructions for BepInEx, extracting the folder to the root folder where the game's Unity .exe is.
Start the game, BepInEx doesn't seem to do anything at all.
I throw the plugin files into the plugin folder anyways, doesn't do anything in game.


New Member
Apr 18, 2018
Is there a way to change the controll settings? I can only switch between controller and keyboard and nothing else. No standart unity layout to change it either


Jul 7, 2019
On the map there is this grey exclemation mark, which would mean, there is an event, but I can't find anything.
Screenshot 2024-03-17 224422.png


Active Member
Oct 4, 2019
Fast travel doesn't add much and certainly contribute to reducing the game length. Mermaiden was level based and hence didn't have the need for fast travel, although you could zoom through the levels too. Here, you'll rarely revisit a level.
Seems like another way of saying Mermaiden had fast travel, since you could fast travel to any level and there were portals to the end of the level after you beat it... So no difference really, just this game is slightly less linear.
No hidden secret areas unlike in mermaiden (well, except one but it's not really hidden nor anything big), meaning there isn't much reasons to explore. And the hidden equipments aren't hard to find either, nor required considering how easy the game is.
There are fewer, but definitely more than one. The wrecked shrine in the mine, the consumable shop, Tusk's mountain house.
In fact, I only discovered the consumable shop in my very hard run
Where is the consumable shop, by the way?
And play this one first, then Mermaiden if you haven't played it (and Hasumi 1. It might be a RPG maker game, it has its highs too).
This is not how I would recommend it. I'd say play the devs' best work first, which is Mermaiden, then if you know you like their style enough to play something by them that has less polish, it's time for Hachina and Hasumi Undercrust.
The game got an upgraded crafting mill (which I couldn't find in-game and it doesn't seem to do anything more than the normal one)
It reduces crafting ingredient usage for each recipe. I couldn't find it in-game either, but I haven't delved the files.
and more areas which I couldn't find a way to access. Perhaps this is cut content but let's hope it's something for a future update.
Yes, let's hope.
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