Unity - Completed - Hack'n Stalk 2.0 [v1.0] [The Architect]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The first game of this type that I actually played to the end. Manages to avoid the mistakes games like this usually make that make them irritating and unsatisfying. Fun story, interesting gameplay...just the best.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I will not exaggerate. The pretext is good, overall I don't find the game attractive in communication. It's easy and fast to get the target you're aiming for, and the animations lack excitement.
    For example. I would give more tennis lessons here. This is lead to curiosity about whether the world will lead or get something more spicy. Until the cell phone clumsily falls out of his pocket. etc. It's not a bad game or idea. Just a quick leaven.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game, not too short and not too long for such kind of game. I like that it is a real game and not just another boring VN.

    It is maybe a little too easy and the story isn't anything mindbreaking but quite enjoyable. The minigames help with variety.
    Alltogether however, it's really fun and worth playing at least once.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best interactive sex scenes both regarding their control (gag reflex training) and action delivery (for example a dynamic face cam during one anal scene).

    The story interesting and the setups leading to sex scenes are very good. On top of it all it's a 'real game' with interesting mechanics in-place, multiple choices during dialog opening up/closing story paths based on previous choices and the mini-games themselves are nice.

    The game is also full of extremely well placed jokes and references to pop culture .

    Bonus points for the credits ending song. Well worth your time.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect in a way that most games on this site are not. Well paced, complete, replayable and filled with sexy characters and well thought out sex scenes. Also HUGE props to this game for actually being genuinely funny and witty. This game doesn't just have one or two amusing lines, it's honestly hilarious.

    One of the best games on this entire site.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Pictures in discripton dosent give it justice. I realy like it. Also pictures are pretty high qualety for year it was made. I hope i see more from the architect. Games were also fun and not owerly complicated so choose normal game progresion i think you wont regret it.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Wow. This game takes a long time to finish.
    The plot twist at the end is freaking surprising.
    I dislike some of the girls but the plot makes up for it.
    Sometimes it's hard because you don't know what to do without walkthrough.
    Good one
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    A little tedious in terms of running around the map and collecting things, but overall decent artwork and plot.

    Some of the reaction to this depends on if you are up for minigames. I personally enjoyed taking a break from Renpy.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best full works I've played, period. The story and the characters around it are more than you'd expect- nothing mindblowing, but consistent and interesting. The gameplay is another front than manages to impress, so many games in this field have a total lack of consideration for things from the player side. Not here. There's no bullshit, everything makes sense. You could argue that a certain mini-game could be hard to play one-handed, but I think your mileage will vary there. Overall, an amazing title. It's simple, but extremely polished.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Well-elaborated story, subtly-portrayed characters, enjoyable renders and animations, intriguing stat-related story branches and endings, and most importantly, a fun game even without lewd content. What can I say? If there can only be five masterpieces in this site, this game is without doubt one of them.
    (This is the shortest review I've ever written since I can't even come up with a notable flaw of this game, which is an extremely rare case given that I always hold a much-higher-than-average standard when it comes to gaming. )
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few games I've played where the characters are written well enough for me to actually care what happens to them I couldn't even play the Corruption route because I didn't want to be mean to them xd

    The overall story and dialogue is pretty entertaining and your choices actually influence whats happening

    Main gripe with the game is the UI there is no volume bar skipping text is a hassle cannot rewind can't save often, overall the menus are pretty clunky the minigames are pretty stupid too easy to be fun

    9/10 game cute unity sucks though
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    ”Play it, Sam. Play 'As Time Goes By.’“ (Casablanca, 1942)

    OMG! This game is so good. I literally spent my entire day playing this without even knowing. Finally, I've got every scene and every ending. This game is ART.

    The story is just so engrossing and the artwork is pretty good too. At the start of the game, I didn't really like Phoebe and Samantha's animations. But, oh boy did it get better with the advancement of the story. I literally fell in love with Phoebe's character. Earlier I felt that Jen was sexy, but now I'm all over Phoebe.

    I loved the good karma path once you get the hang of the game. Didn't really like the things that I could/had to do in the bad karma path. But, hey that's just what the game is all about.

    Last but not least, the gameplay is just amazing. I loved every single quest and also that there were more than one ways to do many quests. This is some pretty cleverly and intelligently written game. Hats off to The Architect.

    P.S. - The only improvement that is possible in this game is the graphics. But anyway this is just perfect. Better graphics would have just been the icing on the cake.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Just a good game. Made on unity, so you would have good minigames and few well-looked scenes. Could be finished in 2-4 hours. Plot is simple, but you still have ability to choose some actions which would have effect on the plot.
    Minigames 5/5
    Story 4/5
    Amount of avaiable choises 4/5
    Content count 3/
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    When the author is concerned about his game ... [* 1]

    + visually pretty, there is not much space for imagination here because everything looks as it should;
    + animations in the game and I'm not talking only about those related to erotic scenes - this is maybe not the highest possible league but it might as well not be there at all and yet they are and it really pleases the eye;
    + I really liked the humor in the game, both narrative and gameplay;
    + well thought out story and individual threads;
    + very nice choices, you have to think a lot to get the results we expect because it often happens we don't have enough points for certain actions. Yes, someone may consider this a minus by this type of gameplay forced us to do some strange plays that we would not like to choose as a player, but this is not the case because playing even without much tactics you can get a satisfying effect and a good ending, so do I personally, I do not see this problem, the more that the fork leaves a slight deviation from the track anyway achieving what we want;
    + the end of the game deserves a clear note because it was well done, it hits ours as well morality and rationality, and of course you can't forget about the finalization of threads related to erotic party to our choices;
    + this is how the game mechanics should look like, which tries to interest the player by clicking through next pages of text, we have several mini games here that are neither tiring nor too frequent and therefore add unforced and interesting add-on to the game;
    + nice and simple mechanical system "D.I.C.K".

    - Cheated last sex scene from threesome
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    no healthy man in his prime would endure such a view and excitement until the end, at most would be a few extra rounds xD * winks *
    - This time, seriously, you could always stick to something, that there could be more sex scenes, that they couldn't too many characters around that the world looks a little poor in places, that there could be more items to to use and to give us a bit more freedom in using them, that voyeurization was scarce and could be done on the basis that we make the shots ourselves, the sound level of the game is not too high and so on and so forth. However, the truth is that nothing of what I mentioned did not affect the reception by the game itself.

    Rating: 5/5
    [*1 ] ... sometimes something like that arises.
    It is difficult to point out to me a group that I might not recommend this game to. The playability of the game is too high - simple mechanics, clear, funny, meaningful and interesting story, nice and graphically sexy.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed that small game, it toke me around 4 hours for 1 playthrough.

    The story was really original with nice mechanics, and i liked the short mini games.

    I only give 3 stars because i didnt like the 3d models and their renders, i find them really average. i would have liked to be able to skip transitions and raise text speed like i do in renpy games.
    Oh ! I was expecting a lot of the stat system at the beggining and from there I got to the end of the game without even caring about it.

    If i had to guess i'd say the dev used unity to animate some still images, and it was well done, it gave some motion feeling i dont find in renpy games.

    Good game, not a waste of time, not a "déjà vu" feeling, but some improvement to be done in next ones and it will be top.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed at v.10

    A remarkable improvement from the first in the series, this erotic little gem offers a range of legitimate choices and mostly appealing artwork. The erotic themes of this game are dark, but not mandated, allowing players to take more of a dating-sim approach if they prefer. However, shadier actions are strongly incentivized, and the earlier sex scenes are more accessible with that playstyle.

    The artwork itself is almost never distracting, offering attractive models and animations that only fall apart on too close a scrutiny. The art never interrupted the story and that's about as good as it gets in this field.

    The gameplay itself appears gripping at first because you have to make decisions with ambiguous long-reaching outcomes, but the more you become acquainted with the mechanics, the more you realize that there are only two kinds of choices: those which don't matter, and those which will restrict later sex scenes if you get them wrong. Additionally, the sex scene minigames have a tendency to distract you from the scene itself, and more often than not I found this to be a "two-handed" game. The tempo with these interactions was a little off, with so much time dedicated to low-brow minigames that a player in the throes of auto-erotica might find their enthusiasm waning before reaching the sexual content. In tandem with the aforementioned two-handedness of the game, this means you find yourself struggling to stay in the game until the sex scenes arrive, and then regrettably forced to use your hands for the game instead of for stimulation.

    The story seems to bring it all together, though, as the characters are just believable enough for this type of game, and the setups and interactions are stimulating in a morally-grey fetish kind of way. The plot pleasantly avoids anything overly aggressive in this arena, which makes it a little more accessible for people looking to explore that kind of fantasy. I found the story interruptions for humor, breaking the 4th wall, and broadly unbelievable technobabble to be a drawback, but I sincerely doubt this will affect the experience for most users. In the end, I recommend this title, especially over its prequel and sequel in the series, and actually went back to play it multiple times.
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    Search History

    The most redeeming factor of the game is two things which is the inclusion of Mrs. Miller and the fact that this game is completed.

    However it should be known that although the game is lacking a solid story. The character models are clunky and expressionless during most of the scenes.

    And the sex scenes are stuffed with mini games.

    And the two others girls in the game are uncomfortably young. The PC only reinforces that age gap.

    Not worth keeping on your hard drive but worth a try.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played so far. Excellent storytelling (characters have a real personality and you actually feel emotionally attached to them while playing the game, which many games on this website lack), interesting and unusual setting, choices have actual consequences and impact how the game will end, great sex scenes - what else could one ask for? Fantastic work.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a great game. Girls have amazing body and each one has unique personality. Also story isn't bad. And the best part is sex scenes. They are animated really good and have multiple choices most of the time. The game deserves a lot more than it has.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Art is good, story is good!

    So it has nice porn, and is a nice game - so hey, a good porn game.

    * Sound & music is good (not annoying)
    * You have choices with consequences.
    * The UI was OK, felt a bit clunky and there was some weirdness with the load/save screens from the main menu.
    * Not too fond of the "engine", and would have liked the option for screenshots.

    Thanks dev, well done! More please.