I looked back and realized that this is one of the first games I started playing on this site a few years ago and that this game is still going strong. I love how at the end of each content the team says don't buy this game on a site because you will have been scammed if you didn't get for free aside from patreon. This is one of the few games that is consistently worth every coin thrown at it. A lot of games have promised hype but then abandoned once a few suckers have thrown coin at it. The plot is entertaining, the scenes are well rendered and are a lighter contrast to some of the darker tones of plot. This very much reminds me of cartoons that were published in newspapers on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Serialized stories that kept readers satisfied and always looking forward to the next update. I loathe giving praises on games since I often feel like it can be done insincerely / forced, but this game has been a consistently engaging and erotic visual novel for many years now, no easy feat given the chaos of the world. Seriously Hachi Games, you have some rock solid members in your team and have one of the best games for its genre on this website.