Unity - Hail Dicktator [v0.72.2] [Hachigames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've ever played. Good story. Simple great! Always waiting for the next update and when it's there, play it every time to the end of that update non-stop. Good graphics, little errors well created story.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first time I've ever rated a game, despite having lurked on here for a good long while (like, years at this point). But holy cow, this game is incredible. It's pretty kinky, and I'm not into almost any of the kinks (most of it is BDSM and humiliation stuff, some of it fairly...heavy in my opinion, and it's not really avoidable if you want to play the bulk of the game from what I can tell), but it doesn't even matter.

    First off, the structure of the plot (yes, this game actually has a genuine, honest-to-goodness plot, not just "windowdressings") is fantastic. I actually felt an emotional connection to multiple characters in this story (honestly, just about all of them have made me laugh out loud and even tear up slightly at different points), and I truly care about what happens to all of them. The protagonist has a degree of character development that surprised me. The "corruption" of the characters feels more motivated than usual. There are genuine storytelling themes (I won't list them out for fear of spoiling) that are at least as old as the most ancient Greek myths, but the package they're delivered in is truly unique (and not just because of the sex scenes). Moreover, this game has a massive amount of content; even with skipping good-sized chunks of text (which I don't recommend in the slightest), this game will still engross you for hours.

    Second (and here's why I said don't skip the text), the writing is quite excellent. There are a few awkward phrasings or typos here and there but certainly not enough to interrupt one's immersion in the story. Meanwhile, as I noted previously, the characters' dialogue alternates between genuinely hilarious and genuinely heartbreaking in a way that is more akin to...I don't know, a Fitzgerald novel than a porn game (or, heck, most AAA video games). Not quite as eloquent, no, but somehow capable of at least approximating something like that level of emotional rapport a reader can attain with the best of fiction. Not to mention the semi-subtle allusions to Star Wars, Game of Thrones, and more, all done in that perfectly tongue-in-cheek way that gives a little grin without feeling overdone or excessively parodic in the slightest. On a similar note, "Dick out" is a genius line; I find that character to be an unmitigated joy for some reason.

    Third, the art is fresh, the settings unique, and the models quite pleasant (and, in a couple instances, heartbreakingly beautiful) in both face and body. Let's be honest, there aren't many games that do all of those things. This game is an aesthetic pleasure as well as a literary one. Also, the game's performance is excellent on my run-of-the-mill laptop, which isn't something that can be said for every Unity game (even those of a similar VN style and not a 3D "in-world" style). Props.

    Does this mean the game is perfect? No, not quite. At times it can get a bit grind-y (and not in the good way lol). If you happen to finish certain events on just the wrong day, you may end up having to skip up to a week, and there's no particularly good way to do that. You can just stay in your room and go to bed as soon as you wake up over and over, but that does get to be a bit annoying at times. (Yes, there are usually other events you could do during those days, but again, if you happen to have finished everything else that's available, you're kinda stuck doing this.) Also, while the navigation is intuitive and fairly immersive on a certain level, there are some locations (the MC's bedroom in particular) that you have to go to every day that take multiple clicks to get to; this didn't bother me at first, but once I was quite a ways into the game, it started feeling like more of a pain. Also, the fact that you can only advance time by a single hour per click means that it can be a real pain to wait for repeated evening events. Some additional shortcuts for place and time would have reduced that sense of grind. Not a huge deal, certainly not a reason to avoid this game (I mean, it's soooooo much better than most other games), but if the devs were to see this review, that would be one of the two things I'd hope they'd consider adjusting.

    The other thing is the sex/kinks. As I suggested before, this game doesn't feel like it would be the same without the BDSM and other "hard"-ish kinks, but not because it couldn't be. I mean, maybe one can completely avoid all of it and still have more or less the same experience, but...it didn't seem like to me on first playthrough. For those of us who are a bit more vanilla, more options for softer sex scenes wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. As it stands, the rewards/punishments tend to be rather "aggressive," which makes them less interesting to me. Now that's totally just my perspective/sexual proclivities and I fully understand that. I don't think the game should be changed to not include what it includes; I just wonder if there's a way in which it could also include other options that don't lean so heavily on those things. And who knows, I may have to give this another playthrough while actively avoiding that content and see how it goes.

    But truly, neither the occasional grind for specific event paths nor the heavy reliance on kinks I'm personally not much into diminish the quality of this game. I was completely immersed in the story, the characters, the writing, the art, everything, and I enjoyed it utterly. I think this is the first time I've ever played a porn game and been genuinely grateful for the experience (not just the, well, y'know, that kind of "experience"). This game is a revelation and should be a model for other games moving forward. If you haven't tried this game yet, you should treat yourself. Thank you to the creators for such a wonderful, perhaps even revolutionary, entry in this genre. Y'all deserve a massive amount of credit.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    I generally enjoyed Hail Dicktator a lot. It's got pretty renders, interesting characters, a story that's a cut above the typical porny drivel, and hot sex scenes. I'd love to give it five stars, but I just can't really. You see... it's the gameplay.

    The game is essentially a VN masquerading as something else. You move your character around a map and interact with the various characters to trigger scenes. The girls have stats, but to my knowledge, they aren't relevant for anything. You sort of run a hotel, but frankly the hotel generates you money at best and is tedious at worst. Money becomes irrelevant pretty quickly anyway.

    I guess what I'm trying to say here is that all of the game elements beyond the scenes just aren't worth playing because they're uninteresting and don't do anything. Hail Dicktator is a VN with extra steps. It's a good VN, but there's a part of me that wishes it hadn't bothered with trying to be anything else. Then again, I wouldn't have played it if it was just a VN because I prefer porn games to porn, so I guess if dodging the VN tag was the goal, it succeeded?

    I feel like the game could step away from this feeling if the girl's stat lines and hotel management actually mattered in some way, but I'm a little skeptical even as I say it. Currently, both of those aspects are just a grind with no payoff, watching the same short scene over and over to make a number get bigger. Maybe if the girl's stat lines and hotel stats actually made changes to the game somehow?
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I am very impressed with this game. It has a great original story and dialog to go along with the well-animated scenes. Each of the characters has more personality than most characters in these games. Love the BDSM themes throughout as well.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    the best game ever. good graphics, good story and all my kinks included. models look amazing and there is a huge amount of content available. the best game for me and I have played a lot of porn games. if you haven't yet give it a try because its honestly amazing.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game by any measure: tons of content (seems like 20h of gameplay in version 0.22), frequent updates, nice graphics, memorable characters. While it has alot of backstory, the game itself is a hotel management sim not some visual novel. So you can do whatever you like instead of following the main plot and just enjoy your life on the island.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    TomWant Badass

    Some people give less than 3 stars because this game has a lot of BDSM content I dont get it, the game has bdsm tag and when you dont like bdsm dont play it and dont write a rewiew!!! This game has tons of content and a nice fantasy story. Its a hidden gem when you like a little consensual Bondage with a Harem. I didnt remember one of this girls from onother game and this girls are supercute! Maybe Dev changed their hairs and clothes so good, that I cant remember them? Last 10 games I played, I remember all the Models from another game, mostly HS and Daz Models. About the Quest system, I needed some time to get used to it but now it works fine for me! Please ignore my bad english, i´m not a native speaker. So overall girls are supercute 10 of 10, game system looks a little grindy at the beginning, later you earn a lot more money than you need, so it works for me. And there is a ingame implemented money cheat.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game. BDSM totally isn't my thing, but the writer somehow manages to keep it light hearted.
    Renders are great, and I can't complain about the character models, they're nicely varied with big tits, small tits, mostly early twenties characters, but also a stray late fourties one.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Just a solid, solid, solid game. Good story, interesting characters, and user-friendly game mechanics. Additionally, the in-game "guide" is probably the best I've ever seen. It leaves no room for confusion and allows the player to progress the story without having to guess at what the game wants you to do.

    If you're looking for a fun VN where you have control, this is the game for you.

    Also, updates come out regularly and each update feels substantive. Very impressive by the developer, especially on a disfavored platform like Unity.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Over all, I am in love with this game / story

    lots of harem / bdsm stories seem to cheat out an explanation for how the MC is able to get away with doing what they do in the real world (magic powers, tech or genetics and the like, yes i know Irony) but the writer has clearly put a lot of thought into the world building and back story through some really good use of exposition. In additon the varied uses and explanations for the fetishes is quite beautiful, rather than just someone who gets off on tieing someone up or abusing them there is actually reason and explanation for it . Scarlet's story line is probably my favourite with her being so timid but still wanting to push things just a little past her comfort point each time seems quite realistic and is easy to belive.

    5 stars even though there are some things that are a bit irritating which i will list below.

    first and fore most is even synching - the base of the story line system is a great idea having running quest lines with the freedom to jump between them at a whim. but there are plenty of times where things don't line up and you end up having to skip through multiple days to get to the next event. there are a couple of times too where the character will say tomorrow or in the afternoon where it is impossible to line up as the day you trigger the conversation is not a day when they will be in the necessary spot

    Game mechanics - First the girls stats, they are there but they don't seem to do anything other that slow things down ( gating can be useful) and then there is time and money more gating mechanics, once you get the ball rolling money isn't really much of an issue you just get it by following the story and considering that time and stats seem to do enough gating on their own i would consider an adjustment to the money system. Primarily I think anything to due with opening stores and facilities should not be a cost as the hotel funds should be fine considering the financial support the nation has. however what might be a good idea is having a personal income tied to staff performance and operation levels obviously the pay out would need to be rebalance to a lower rate as the money would only be used for purchases from the stores. Finding ways to make stats more meaningful would be a good idea as well Alice's cooking training is a decent example, though I personally am not a fan of the "fail state" where you take a hit on stats if you push to far, i would rather see something to the effect of one activity raises a stat which then allows you to proceed further in another activity for example raise obedience which makes them more willing to let you do things that raises their lust or love which makes them enjoy doing the things that raise there obedience.

    but despite that I still love the game. Keep it up
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    i love this game^^ the woman are all nice and have unique characters.

    there is also an good potion of jokes in there for example the german granpa who was going from Germany to south america xD
    i like the renders and there are some animated in it, but not much. quests are good and fun, also i like the management part.

    this game addicts me!

    Dick Out!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I played 0.19.3, from start to end.

    One of the "better than most other" games. Large amount of irony and nonsense. That is not for everyone, but it is needed to place this game in the real world, instead making some fantasy stuff.

    Leaving this aside, it has a nice main story, with a lot of side stories, developing the characters. Not a 5, but certainly a 4.

    BUT, gameplay.
    * Why is there a point system for the attributes of the girls? Lots of numbers, zero meaning.
    * Do X on Weekday Y on time Z. PLEASE. Even with the ingame quest system that is just stupid. It is ok to do it, if it fits the story. But why ask a girl something only if she is at a specific location? Why can I call sonya to the electronics shop, but not to the bank? For most of the quests, you should not pose restrictions on time and place. After the first 20-30% of the game, I just had to skip so many hours and days. (And skipping is REALLY tedious. Either fast-clicking 20x, or tediously go to room, sleep and yes, i am really sure to sleep)
    * Money system? Completely stupid, only relevant in the beginning. What about introducing expenses?

    Overall, the side-content is lacking severely. Punishments and rewards only implemented very basically. There must be more side-stuff, especially after the first 30% of the game.

    Also, a lot of "standard" interactions with the girls do not keep up with the game state, thats at least what I feel. Even after a lot of progression with a char, sometimes still the initial standard interactions are in place.

    The studio? I do not like that. For get about that part, even if it was much work. This game is not the place for it.

    To sum it up:
    * Stall for some (longer) time in story progression, and FILL the current game with everything that is missing.
    * Or CLEAN UP. Do not let me click 4x through a punish/reward tree, if there are a total of 3 rewards. show them directly. DO NOT show all this "it will get better in the future" reminders.

    You get the 4 because of the setting and story, and to be fair compared to all other games here. If not for the story, I'd give a 2.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Knownot Mr

    Well,The game is enjoyable and the kinks is also seemingly enjoyable for those who are not into BDSM stuff.. I really think the concept is well thought and has already provide lot of content. It has potential and Hope more will find it enjoyable too.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    i dont get all the 5 stars.. the game is not bad or anything.... it has its moments. but is by no means a masterpiece. Very simplistic.. annoying characters.. borderline stupid story.
    Shame it has no animation it would serve the game well.
    It has a strong gravity towards BDSM -> not really my thing and i know it's in part why i rate it so low.

    On the plus side decent models, renders. Quite alot of content..

    Just ...... meh.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful renders. All of the characters are distinct and interesting. The story is quirky and fun. The bdsm psychology -- especially of Scarlet -- is realistic. The world occupies a place between realism and fantasy; it is its own unique place. I look forward to every update.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite game on the site, and the creator even has time to reply to almost (?) any single post.
    The posters seem to be very appreciative and constructive in their comments too. I'm really impressed.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I found this game in a search on this forum, had no clue what it was about, never heard of before, but glad I did it.

    The story is weird at the beginning but it seems as it progresses it starts making more sense which I really like

    than I enjoy the good variety of girls models, mainyl regarding tits and such, many games use big boobed girls all the time but some medium size ones are so fine when balanced to. props to tha developer choice

    Also good not finding wierd bugs for now and really coming forward for the continuation

    The only thing I would suggest was the addition of way to skip days as some events are day specific
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Niv-Mizzet the Firemind

    Really good game.

    The story, while completely absurd, is quite engrossing. The characters are quite interesting in their own right and overall I was sucked into the game.
    The models are very very good, and so are the renders.

    Gameplay-wise, it's a time management game at its heart. There is not much dead space, especially if you try to max every girl and don't cheat. You'll have to wait a few times (mainly if you cheat) but that's about it. The journal/quest tracker is an excellent point of reference if you get stuck, and each part of the quest tells you what to do next. My only minor complaint about the gameplay is that when a quest ends, there is nothing to transition the player into the next quest. A new quest just pops up in the journal. A couple of sentences at the end of a quest indicating the mc's actions would be excellent.

    Lastly, it has quite a lot of content and it's one of the few games on Unity that isn't a complete mess.

    Overall, very good and quite fun.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    perfect game, good work ! sincerely, it goes itself, and you can follow a real story with many good ideas. More animation would be appreciated but it's even one of the best game I've played. Renders are good, girls are so nice, and so submissive...
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This isn't for everyone but I think the author nailed it. A lot of content, story is kinda fun to follow and characters all have their own personas.
    Also, I praise the author for having a lot of content updates, it's a breath of fresh air.